Chapter 23

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"I'm just extremely confused," Matthew shook his head, pacing in the library. My note was pressed between his fingers. "I don't know what all those colors mean, but that could just be a dream thing. But the Illéas, that just doesn't make any sense."

I rummaged through a shelf across the way from him, my mood much more cheerful. If I was being honest, I was happy we were back on relatively good terms after our blowout, let alone that he allowed me to come here. 

"I mean, it has to mean something," dust rained down on my forehead as I pulled a leather-bound book down. "Song might be a figment of my imagination that I created to make sense of my unconscious thoughts. But the Illéa name isn't really something I can make up."

"Well that's what I am confused about," Matthew turned to face me, placing the note in his pocket. "The Illéas are extinct and have been for generations. The Schreaves are the closest relatives to the Illéas, and hence why we rule the country. If any Illéas were alive... they would be ruling the country."

I was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. 

"There has to be some kind of explanation."

"I'm sure there is," he reassured me, though his face did not convey what his words did. "There is an explanation for most things in life."

I nodded grimly, opening the book. The History of Illéa read across the top in bolded script.

"If the answer can be found anywhere, I think it'd be here."

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matthew freeze. I looked up, about to ask him what was wrong, when he shot me a scared look and ran for me. He lunged and brought me to the ground, pulling me around the corner into a nearly hidden nook.

"Matthew!" I yelled, about to go off on him when he held his hand over my mouth. Seconds later, I heard the loud clicking of the door and the sound of sobbing.

"I just don't understand," the crying voice heaved as two sets of footsteps entered the space. Glancing around the corner of a shelf, I saw the red hair belonging to Queen America. "I feel so alone now."

"Shh," General Leger gathered Queen America in his arms, kissing the top of her head. "You're never alone Mer. You'll always have this place, and you'll always have me."

Queen America turned to sob into his chest while Matthew and I froze in our space. We glanced at each other, aware of what we witnessed, and stayed silent until they left.

Truly Elected (Book Two of The Next Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now