Chapter 24

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Dinner came around quickly. Matthew and I hadn't lingered long after Queen America and General Leger left the secret library; we went our separate ways while we digested what we had seen. I always knew the Legers and the Schreaves have been friends for a long time; their children grew up together. But having seen Queen America and General Leger, there was an air of familiarity to their movements. It was a familiarity that I felt reflected back onto me. Their movements were attuned to how I moved with Fabian. 

Queen America was the last to enter the room, and when she did, she was met with silence. Her porcelain skin was barren, revealing a light coating of freckles. Whereas I normally saw her as a glowing regent that aged gracefully, she looked her age, she looked older; she looked worn out.

"I have a couple announcements to make," she spoke as soon as she reached the table. Her eyes glided to King Maxon's and he gently placed his hand over hers. "My dearest mother, my rock for all time, has recently passed away."

A symphony of gasps erupted, echoing through the Elite. I stole a panicked glance at Blake and she grimaced in response; Willow started chewing on her bottom lip beside me.

"I received word of this news a little earlier on in the day, and as such, I am to be traveling home to Carolina," she let out a shaky breath. "General Leger will be accompanying me, as my personal guard, but also one of my dearest friends. This may be unknown to some of you, but the general and I grew up together and he knew my family well. This is a hard time for us all, and it is integral to seek comfort in the ones we love, the ones we care about, and in doing so surround ourselves with an environment of support."

We were all silent as she took shaky breaths. Daniel, who sat beside her, grabbed her free hand and squeezed it tight. From my seat, I could see his brown eyes were red rimmed.

"Family is important to us all, yes?" Queen America asked. It took a moment, but we all nodded. "Something I've learned from being here and living this life, family isn't always by blood." She paused and glanced at the King.

"I met the love of my life here, my biggest supporter and best friend with the kindest of hearts. And, of course, he became the father of my children, whom I also love." She finally looked down the table, eyeing each of us. "My family also extends to my friends, some who I have known my whole life and some that I met here, during Maxon's selection. That's where I met one of my best friends, and I view her like a sister; I love her fiercely. I don't know how much time each of you will have left here, and which two of you will remain, but for what it is worth, I hope you have found family in one another."

I teared up, a watery smile spreading on my lips as I glanced to Willow, then to Blake. Phoebe threw her arms around Dylan as the two wept quietly, and even Darling removed her glasses to wipe a lone tear. Heather and Harmony exchanged glances, and for once, Heather's tough exterior softened.

"When I return, a funeral will be hosted. Each of you is expected to attend, and though mandatory, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you choose to go because you wish to share your support for my family... your family." She gestured toward all of us at the table before clearing her throat one last time.

"Onto a happier subject, we have two birthday's coming up," she smiled. "Lady Heather and Lady Sol, both born on October 15th."

I looked to Heather, her eyes already on me. Her right one twitched, clearly displeased with the thought of sharing her birthday, let alone with me.

"Whilst we are alive, we should be celebrating life," Queen America said, regaining our attentions. "Thus, we are hosting a smaller ball. I wanted to tell you all now because this was a recent decision, one that Silvia has not yet been briefed on."

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