Chapter 2

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"I've probably said this a thousand times already," I laughed out, holding the plain microphone a little closer to my lips. "Yes, the food is absolutely delicious here." Fabian laughed beside me, though the smiles on both of our faces were plastered on. I didn't know how he felt about this interview, but personally, I think it is, in a way, awkward. Not even a year ago, we were the secret power couple of Kent, disgusted with the royals and everything they had, everything they flauntered around; and now we're here. 

"Well, enough of that then," Fabian said, his tone turning slightly more serious. "What about your home life?" I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable. 

"Umm, well," I started. "My home life wasn't anything that special. It wasn't like this. Growing up as a Four in Kent didn't have it's struggles; in fact I was quiet content with it." Fabian smiled softly. 

"So you didn't hate being a Four then?" I lifted my eyebrows. I knew he was trying to poke at me, get something important out of me, but I didn't know what it was, yet.

 "Obviously not."

 "You're almost nineteen, Lady Sol." Fabian cut in. I nodded, mentally rolling my eyes because he already knew when my birthday was. 

"Yes, yes I am." I replied. 

"In that case, prior to being Selected, were you planning on marrying?" 

There it was, the words I've been waiting for through this entire conversation. I felt stuck between a rock and a hard place, I couldn't lie but I couldn't tell the truth either. 

"Umm... yeah, honestly. I feel that I would have been ready to marry someone before I was Selected."

 "Was there any special men in your life before?" I gulped and felt chill bumps rise on my arms. 

"... yes." I said quietly and Fabian's ears perked up. He was putting on a good show, and I was only aiding him.

 "Oh really now. Well, what caste was this man? Surely someone as beautiful as you must have nabbed a Three of a Two." Fabian was playing me hard core, but two could play at that game.

 "He was actually a Five." I retorted. "I was prepared to marry down a caste for love. I was in love with him." I paused, taking in a deep breath of air, because what I was bound to say next would leave me and everyone watching this breathless. "I am very in tone with my emotions, so while some might find marrying down castes to be insulting, I saw it as a sense of honor. However, this man, who I had thought for four years to be the person I would end up spending the rest of my life with, betrayed me. He told me that I was unloveable before storming out of my home, after everything I had done for him. But that wasn't the only thing he had told me; he had told me that he wanted me gone and that I should enter the Selection so that he doesn't have to see my face anymore." I watched Fabian stiffen under my words. 

'How does it feel to have your words back at you?' I shouted in my mind, to terrified to say them out loud. I was really playing with fire. Fabian cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. 

"So, because of this heartbreak, and the dejected feeling that yo... the boy I was in love with didn't love me in return, I entered the Selection; and was chosen. Now, being here, after nearly three months, I have come to realize that what I felt when I was with him is nothing compared to what I feel now with Prince Matthew and Prince Daniel." My words cut like a blade, sharp and precise; deadly to Fabian. His face fell for a moment, than he put on a smile; another show... just like with our relationship. 

"I see, Lady Sol," he said, pausing afterward to think through his words. "Is there any chance that, if the man who broke your heart was truly sorry, and you didn't manage to win the Selection, would you take him back?" I bit my lip, not wanting to answer the question. Hugging my arms to my stomach, the dress lined with an ombre orange, hot pink, and dark purple rhinestones, I dared to look up at Fabian; I wish I hadn't. His eyes were wide with the question, begging me to speak. It felt like the world was caving in on me. However, just as I opened my mouth to answer, Matthew burst through the double golden doors leading to this large interviewing room. His eyes were frantic, searching until they caught sight of me. Sliding to my left, Matthew's baby blue's zeroed in on Fabian. I glanced back at Fabian and noticed that his amber spheres had morphed from open and sorry to hateful and angry.

Truly Elected (Book Two of The Next Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now