Chapter 21

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"It has been a long time coming," Daniel rapped his knuckles against the podium he was standing behind; his lips were inches from the microphone attached. "But I'm happy to say, the youngest Schreave has made it to 16."

Matthew laughed from behind him, the champagne in his glass swirling around as he unknowingly swirled the flute.

"However, before we continue with the birthday celebrations," Daniel invited Matthew to stand beside him. "My brother and I must announce our Elite have been selected. Lady CeCelia has been eliminated from the competition, leaving the beautiful 10 women you see before you."

A spotlight illuminated the Elite, and I looked around to see the soft smiles and polite applause that rang through the ballroom. We move forward as a unit, trying our best to avoid becoming tangled in each others' costumes.

The fairy wings of my gown shined in the light, catching Blake's attention. From the corner of my eye, I could see her reach for my wing, tugging me toward her pirate's hook.

"Hey," I swatted at her, staring into her uncovered eye. "Be careful."

"Yes your Fairy Goodieness," she mock bowed before switching her eye-patch to cover her other eye. "I was just going to inform you that Matthew was staring at you."

I glanced up at the stage, and sure enough, Matthew's gaze locked with mine. Shaking my head, I returned my attention to Blake.

"Let him stare. Eventually his eyes will wander to someone else."

Blake made a face but said nothing, moving forward with me to make a circle around the center of the dance floor.

"Now, we would like to turn the spotlight over to a different Schrieve tonight," Daniel continued, gesturing toward Shane. The boy was dripping in gold, from his pants to his shoes to the cloak that adorned his embellished uniform. "The youngest of us all, our little brother, Prince Shane."

The attendees began to clap again as Shane made his way to the center of the dance floor. Examining the crowd, he extended his hand toward Queen America, making her his victim for the first dance.

It wasn't long before a string quartet started up and couples began pairing. I was about to move to dance with a guard when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"May I have this dance, Your Fairy-ness?" Daniel bowed, extending his hand.

"Like saying no is an option," I laughed, accepting his request.

Together we waltzed into the clump, circling around others in our own rhythm.

"Well, I mean, you could always say no, dear," Daniel spin me gently under his arm. "I'm not going to hurt you or anything like that if you don't."

I couldn't help the snort that released from my nose, catching Daniel off guard.


"Sorry," I chuckled, pulling myself a little closer to him. "It's just that, honestly, you don't seem too keen on not getting your way. Just reflecting back on our time together, you kind of forced your will upon me."

Daniel frowned, glancing away. His lower lip was soon sucked under his teeth, a tick I have noticed once or twice before but never paid much attention to.

"I hadn't realized," he sighed finally. "Have I really? Have I been imposing myself or have been a burden to you?"

"A burden?" I gasped out, shaking my head. Daniel lead me toward the outskirts of the dance floor, allowing us to step out and make a break for the drink station. "Not at all; Daniel you aren't a burden."

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