Chapter 26

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The sobs that erupted during Queen America's mother's funeral ceremony rang out for hours. As Queen America took to the lectern, her eyes leaking black poison down her pale cheeks, I gripped Blake's hand. We glanced at each other; she pulled a few tissues out of her black satchel.

"I-I-I..." Queen America started, but immediately turned to look at King Maxon. He stood just behind her, holding her in a gentle hug. "I already miss you so much mama."

My gaze traveled down the podium to the front row, finding the twin heads of honey blonde. Daniel was staring up at his mother, Amber's hand clutched tightly in his. Matthew, however, was staring back at me. We locked eyes, blue on blue, and I felt every emotion he felt in that moment. Sadness. Anger. Hope.

I broke our stare first, moving to view Prince Presley as he turned around in his chair to look at me, then at Blake. Her hand began to grow clammy, and when I looked at her, her face was a deep shade of red as she stared back at him. Despite my initial distaste of him, I felt myself smile. If he had this affect on Blake, if he made her happy, then I was happy for them. 

"I just am in such disbelief you're gone," Queen America's words re-captured my attention. "You were my rock, and my annoyance, but I loved you for it."

Everyone chuckled at the attempted joke. 

"I feel so lucky I was able to have you in my life for all of these years, watching me change so much, and watching our family blossom, but yet, I can't be satisfied with this time. I wish we had more. And it's funny, because I used to take things for granted. Never again will I do so. In honor of Magda Singer, I would like us all to embrace every opportunity, live in the moment, and tell the one's we love that we love them. Wasting time is pointless, and if I could have the time back with my mother, I would take it in a heartbeat."

King Maxon guided her off of the stage, and Matthew and Daniel replaced the couple. Daniel tapped on the mic a few times and Willow pulled the lace sleeve of my dress.

"Do you see that?" She whispered in my ear; I shook my head. "In Matthew's pocket. It's bulging."

My eyes went wide and I gave her a pointed look. "Isn't this a highly inappropriate conversation?"

She rolled her eyes rather playfully. "Not his private area Sol, his pocket. It looks like there's something in it."

I turned to look as Daniel began to speak, and I noticed what Willow was talking about. Matthew's right pocket extended outward and looked like it had four corners. What was inside, I didn't know.

My eyes traveled upward and again locked with Matthew's. In the wake of sadness, he smiled. And I suddenly felt like I was floating on air. In the spur of the moment, I placed my finger over my lips. 

Queen America's words replayed themselves in my head, a broken record that I didn't want to stop. I needed to talk to him. I needed to see him. 

Matthew nodded instead of copying my action and then replaced Daniel at the lectern.

"Good afternoon everyone," he spoke clearly. 

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that a lone camera man was recording him, Gavril and Fabian flanking either side of the camera man.

"Looking down on you all, I see so many faces of loved ones, and although I wish we were gathered on better conditions, I can only be happy for the love in this room," he continued. "I have my beautiful family, my siblings and cousins; I have my friends gathered from around the world, like the gracious Prince Presley; I have the wonderful Elite; and I have, what I know, is the one for me. Today, instead of sadness, I want to celebrate life. And I want to celebrate love."

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