Chapter 7

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"And since you are all so close to becoming an Elite," Silvia lectured, pacing back and forth around the room. "I have decided that it was a good time to assign you all your first projects." 

Several girls moaned, while others cheered. Clearly, everyone felt differently about getting assigned projects. Truthfully, they terrified me. These were the baby steps I was going to have to take to possibly become queen. Being queen of anything is terrifying to me. I couldn't even decide between Matthew and Daniel; how would I possibly make decisions for the entire country when I couldn't even make decisions for myself? 

Silvia cleared her throat, gaining my attention once again. "You will each be split into three groups of four, since there are twelve of you." 

Yeah Silvia, we know how to count. 

"You will work together greatly, and trust me when I say this: you need to work together or else you will fail. Not fail my standards, but those of foreign countries. Because that's exactly what this project is: we will be hosting the governments of three countries that are either newly acquainted or we have recently signed an alliance with." 

Gasps sounded throughout the room as I felt my mouth drop open. We had to host an event for foreign dignities. Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers; how were we supposed to accomplish this?

 "The way this will work is once I split you into your groups, you will draw straws for a country. Each of the three straws has the name of a different country assigned to it, and, depending on which country you choose, will determine which type of event you will plan. Let me split you into your groups." Silvia unlatched a piece of paper from her clipboard. Setting the wooden board down on the table behind her she cleared her throat and adjusted the reading glasses on her face. "The first group is: Lady Tressa, Lady Harmony, Lady Rebekka, and Lady Willow." I nudged Willow from beside me and she giggled. 

"That's a good group." I whispered into her ear and she nodded, another round of giggles following. 

"Yeah," she said bashfully. "I mean, it could be better, but at least Heather is not in my group. I kind of wish Darling was though, because she's super smart and very informed on these types of things, but it's okay because I have Tressa, who's very regal in a sense. I'm sure she knows a thing or two. Rebekka, well, I don't know her as well as I would like to, so I guess this is the perfect opportunity for me to get to know her." 

I felt Silvia's glare on us as Willow finished whispering. "Are you two quite finished?" She hissed. We both nodded immediately, my stomach tightening with nerves. I heard snickering from beside me, the culprits being Heather, Harmony, and a few others that I couldn't see. I rolled my eyes, knowing full and well that they were not paying any attention to me, and focused on Silvia again.

 "Group two will be: Lady Elsie, Lady Phoebe, Lady Sol, and Lady Darling." Willow elbowed me hard. I looked at her, seeing a huge smile on her face. I felt my lips tipping up, my smile mirroring hers. 

"You have an amazing group!" she whispered yelled and I giggled, my hand over my lips as I turned to Silvia. I didn't need to get in trouble a second time in two minutes. I knew where the line was drawn, and I wasn't going to cross it. 

"And finally, the third group: Lady Heather, Lady CeCelia, Lady Dylan, and Lady Blake." Silvia finished, her voice one cheerier than I have ever heard it. Suddenly, her small smile flipped into a frown as her eyes scanned the room. 

"Where is Lady Blake?" she asked, continuing her search for the raven-haired beauty. I felt my stomach tighten. This was the second time this week that Blake has been missing from a lesson, which was really, really bad. Normally, I wouldn't question it, but as she began to miss more and more, I'm beginning to think that she is with Matthew or Daniel. And that hurts, for many reasons, but above all, because she wouldn't tell me; her best friend. I've shared so much with Blake that if I learned that she was sneaking off with one of them on regular occurrences, I would be heartbroken and would no longer trust her. 

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