Chapter 4

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It was quiet in my room. I stared up into the darkness, my eyes adjusting to find the ceiling. It took a lot of convincing for my maids to leave after my they dressed me for bed. Juliana put up a big fight, as did Cassia. Starlet just complied with my wishes, making her my favorite of the night. 

The only sound in the room was the sound of my breathing. My hands were folded over my stomach, rising and falling with my breathing. Finally feeling myself slowly drift, I rolled onto my side, facing the wall. Just as I closed my eyes, however, I heard my door creek open and light from the hallway flooded into the room. Flipping over and sitting up, I blinked at the person standing in my doorway. 

"Matthew?" I asked sleepily, squinting against the light. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I saw him nod. Suddenly, Matthew bolted into the room and up to me. He caught me off guard by wrapping his arms around my waist the second he crashed into me. His head flew into the crook of my neck, and I heard him breathing harshly. As weary as I was, his panic pained me; I felt my heart throb for him. I felt myself sniffle, afraid to shed tears, and raised my hand to the back of his head. Slowly, I ran my fingertips through his silky golden hair and quietly shushed him, the sound calm and lolling. Matthew's whimpers against me evened out just as I felt something warm hit my bare collarbone. Was he crying? Soothingly, I continued to shush him and sang a short lullaby to try and calm him more. 

"Fair child," I sang softly, ensuring my voice was kept quiet. "Don't you cry. Stop those tears from falling and dry your eyes. Sweet child, why are you so sad? Nothing will harm you when I shield you from the bad." 

Matthew's death grip around my waist went slack and he raised his head to me. Water lines marred his face and I used my thumb to wipe them away before smiling softly. It was ironic to me that usually I was the one crying and he wiped away my tears. It felt right to do the same for him. 

"Nothing will harm you," I sang, slightly higher but just as soft. "When I shield you from the bad." Matthew sniffled and I lifted my hand to cup his cheek. Smiling softly and sweetly at him, I rubbed my thumb in circles on his baby soft skin. 

"What's the matter Matthew?" I asked. He sniffled again before closing his eyes, embarrassed to look at me after his little episode. 

"None of you are safe." he said sadly. Then, his eyes flew open and he stepped back out of my reach. "You are all supposed to be safe!" he yelled louder. I began shushing him again. 

"Matthew," I whispered once he calmed. "We are all fine. No one is hurt. It's all okay." He shook his head. 

"No," he said. "You're not all okay. Clarissa wasn't safe when she was murdered under my parents supervision. If we were safe, you wouldn't need to throw yourself out into an attack like that." He stared at the ceiling. "Darling, you are so so brave, but I don't want you doing things you needn't do. It worries me." 

"Matthew, I'm not harmed in any way. I wanted to take action because at the time, no one else had. It's just instincts at this point; I've had to deal with many attacks before. Kent gets hit with attacks very often, now its just my nature to fight back." Matthew stared me in the eyes, bewildered.

 "Maybe you're right." he said, sounding as if he didn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. "Maybe it's time we took protection into our own hands." Matthew stared at me, but he was in deep concentration; more like looking through me. Clearing his thoughts, Matthew looked straight at me. He smiled.

 "Honestly, I don't know how I survived a day without you." I giggled, feeling myself blush. Thank goodness it was too dark to see.

 "Well, Your Highness, you did; for nineteen years in fact. You don't need me to help." 

"No, I need you more than you think." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you in the morning my dear." He turned away, walking toward the door. 

"I'm still not your dear." I cringed. Matthew noticed from the doorway and laughed. 

"Still don't like the pet name I see?" 

"My feelings for it have not changed." I agreed as Matthew chuckled, closing my door slowly behind him. Now, surrounded by complete darkness, I rolled onto my side and drifted to sleep.


Hey guys,

Short chapie, I know. I've been having some writer's block lately, so that kind of sucks. On the plus side, I've made a plan for this story, so things should start to pick up and go faster until I hit another wall :D

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Love you lots ~Halebella

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