Chapter 5

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A/N: Before I share this chapter with you, I would like to make a dedication. This chapter is dedicated to megster_walsh. Thank you for commenting on my chapters and giving me feedback. It's because of people like you that I keep writing! So, just a really big thank you 

And now, without further ado, chapter 5:


This morning, I woke up to a pleasant surprise. As Cassia pulled back the curtains, my eyes caught a small box and note on my nightstand. Leaving the note, I grabbed the box and threw the top off. 

"Oww." I heard Juliana moan. Glancing away from the box, I saw her rubbing her head as she looked down at the box lid that had just hit her. Cassia and I chuckled before I turned my attention back to the box.

 Inside was a little charm, another one to add to the growing collection on my wrist. I had to hold it up to my eye to view all of the small details. It was a horse shoe. 

"Why would he leave a note if he already planned on me knowing what we will be doing?" I asked aloud, twirling the shining piece of silver between my index and middle fingers.

 "What do you mean?" I heard Starlet ask form my closet, already piecing together an outfit for the day. I sighed, throwing my covers aside and stepping down onto the icy floor. 

"I mean that he didn't need to send me a note with this charm. Matthew only gives me charms for my bracelet, all as a gift, when something very significant occurs. This is a horse shoe, and I haven't gone horseback riding with him since the beginning of the Selection, which means..." I paused, snatching the note from the night stand. A pair of un-symmetrical lips were drawn on the paper in a fine red pan and a finger ran through them; he was hushing his lips. The time 10:00 was scribbled in small penmanship toward the bottom right corner of the paper, the word garden just below it. 

"I have a date today." I said, finishing my previous thought. Juliana squealed, already having forgotten about the box lid hitting her.

 "Ohh, where?" She squealed, a twinkle in her eye. Beckoning her over, I chuckled as I dropped the charm into her open palm. Closing her hand around it, she brought it close to her face and looked at the charm from every angle. 

"Take a wild guess." I said sarcastically and Cassia held up her hand. Juliana, seeing Cassia from the corner of her eye, passed the charm in an underhand throw. I felt my body freeze in panic, but Cassia caught the delicate, jewel decorated silver charm in her left fist tightly; she wasn't letting it go. After opening her palm, she stifled a laugh. 

"Horseback riding?" she asked and I pointed my finger at her as if it were a gun.

 "Bingo." I said, making my way to the bathroom for a morning bath. Cassia followed close behind me, meticulously trying to latch the horse shoe onto the growing collections of jewel encrusted charms on my left wrist.


"So glad you were able to make it, my dear." Matthew said, latching his arm through mine. I chuckled and shook my arm out of his grasp. 

"Still not your dear. Also, you should be using your crutches to help you get around."

 "Won't stop me from trying." He replied with a shrug. I laughed at his words' double meaning. 

"You're such a noob."

 "A noob?" Matthew questioned as we passed through the open doors. Officer Woodwork had a beaming smile on his face as we passed him. I guess Matthew told him about this prior. He was happy.

Truly Elected (Book Two of The Next Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now