Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys. Just before you read this chapter (I really enjoyed writing this one :P) I just wanted to apologize to you all for taking so long to update this. I would also like to thank you all for being patient with me and for sticking with me through this and sticking with my story. You guys make the writing process much more fun than it already is, so just thank you all. I've taken enough of your precious time *laughs* enjoy!


"Good evening Illéa," Fabian said loudly into his microphone after Gavril introduced him. Fabian's suit was a rich chocolate brown color, the tie an amber that matched his burning eyes. "Before we begin tonight, I would just like to announce that the final two interviews have been broadcasted, Lady Sol's being earlier today. And, just in case you missed the past two interviews, they will be playing again following the Report this evening. In the meantime, we have a show to begin." 

With that, Gavril took over the role of speaker. "Due to the fact that the final interview among the ladies has been completed, two Pre-Elites have rather sad news to share with you all tonight." Gavril looked at the group of us, slowly shrinking down as the time passed. "Lady Ember," he called out. "Would you like to start?" Ember immediately nodded and rose to her feet. She walked gracefully, though something felt different. I couldn't put my finger on it. 

"Hello Illéans." she said cheerily into the microphone she had just picked up, her tone rather casual for speaking to the country. It was that moment that I knew that Matthew had been completely right when he told me that Ember was through with the Selection. "As much as I have enjoyed my time at the Palace, getting to know Prince Matthew, Prince Daniel, the royal Schreave family, and the other young ladies behind me, it pains yet elates me to say that I am forfeiting my spot in The Selection. I still am honored that I was chosen for something so special like this, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I'll never forget as long as I live. Unfortunately, neither of the princes and I were really connecting on a more romantic level. Everything you all see is based off of the Report and special interviews and events. You all don't see what goes on inside these beautiful walls. Some people have really connected with Prince Matthew, others have with Prince Daniel; some both." I felt the weight of twelve pairs of eyes pouring into the back of my head. I gulped down my anxiety and straightened in my seat a little taller as Ember continued to address the country. 

"I see it every single day, people are beginning to fall in love here. And sadly, I'm not one of those lucky ones. I figured it was better to pull out now, spare my heart the heart-break should I have fallen in love and not have the feelings graciously returned, and go home. Just from being here, my life is so much better." Ember paused, turning to face Matthew and Daniel. "So to the both of you, I can't even express my gratitude. Thank you for housing me these past two and a half months, allowing me to spend time with you, dress like a princess, eat amazing food, and just bask in every moment I've been offered during this privilege. Girls would have killed for this opportunity, and they are currently shunning me right now because I am giving something like this up." Her head whipped around to the camera, away from the twins. "Trust me ladies, it's not that simple. I was once one of those girls too." Slowly, she faced Daniel and Matthew again. 

"You are both so gracious and kind to everyone here, and I know that you will both do some great things for this country, regardless of who ends being the heir to the throne and become Illéa's next King. Follow your hearts through the rest of this, because I know several great women out in this crowd behind me who are falling for you both fast and would make great queens." Ember turned to us next. "A few examples, just for the mood: Lady Tressa, Lady Darling, Lady Dylan, Lady Sol. Many of you are just as amazing at these women, and the reason I'm saying their names is quite honestly because they caught my eye first." Ember shrugged and turned back to Gavril. "And you, I'll miss our weekly chats. Enjoy your moment Gavril." He chuckled loudly, clamping a hand over her shoulder. 

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