Chapter 20

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Routine seemed to flow back into the palace. Interviews, lessons, fittings, and dates kept us all busy, not allowing for much interference besides The Report, the Women's Room, and meals. This was one of those times.

"Did you hear about Tessa Tamble?" Willow asked and I shook her head. Blake snorted, water escaping her nose, and Heather, who was sitting beside her, jumped back in disgust. 

"What happened?"

"She's pregnant." Blake said blatantly. 

"Again?" I asked as I leaned forward, pulling my hair back so it wouldn't fall into my chilled blueberry soup. "But isn't she nearing her forties?"

"She's already passed that," Willow dismissed my comment. "But that's not all. Her baby-daddy will blow-your-mind."

I glanced down the table to see other eyes on the three of us.

"Tessa Tamble is pregnant again?" Dylan asked, tilting her head. 

"I bet it's fake." Darling adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose. 

"For once, I agree with wad-girl." Phoebe said with a smirk, and Dylan laughed at a seemingly inside joke. Darling shot her a confused glance, but simply rolled her shoulders back, letting the possible insult fall off of her.

"Can I finish?" Willow huffed, growing annoyed at the interruption. She faced me again. "Anyway, her rumored baby-daddy is Dru Hydra, you know, her daughter's--"

"Her daughter's suitor?" Heather questioned, now drawn into the conversation. "Not possible, Dru loves Versace. I would know, I have met them both."

I rolled my eyes, smirking at Blake as Willow groaned in frustration. "Heather!" she whined. "You stole my thunder!"

Heather shrugged. "And I do not feel bad about it."

Elsie chuckled lightly, pushing herself back from the table, dropping her napkin into her chair. But as she went to take a step, King Maxon called out her name.

"Would you mind staying a few minutes dear?" He asked, gesturing for her to return to her seat. "We need to discuss a few things in preparation for Shane's birthday, and I would greatly appreciate you being a part of it."

She nodded wordlessly, as she usually did, and sat back down, King Maxon replacing her as he stood.

"So, as you can see," he smiled. "Prince Shane is not currently here. He is actually taking dinner in his room tonight so we can teach you our famed birthday song." Queen America had the smile of a child on her face, giddily jumping up and hopping on top of her seat. The sets of twins groaned, reluctantly following in their mother's footsteps. We all watched, our faces awestruck mixed with confusion. King Maxon was the last to rise, counting to three on his fingers before the entire family inhaled simultaneously. 

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Shane. Happy birthday to you." The six of them lifted up their glasses of water, a toast. "Oh Shane, here's to you. And here's to whatever you do. We love you best of all the rest, so Shane here's to you."

Stomp, stomp

"I don't know what I've been told!" King Maxon and Queen America chanted enthusiastically, their children echoing them in a voice less so. "This little boy is getting old-- Did I hear someone say-- That it is his birthday!" 

"Happy-- happy-- Birthday-- birthday-- Happy Birthday... to you!" They stomped on their chairs, jumping back down. Every pre-Elite started clapping slowly, eventually whooping and hollering for an encore.

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