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"Oh my god... Y/N."

Reid looks at you from his desk which is right across from yours. "What the hell happened to you?!" He questioned you intensely.

You ignored him and kept on working. You hadn't had a chance to finish up your paperwork from the last case and you wanted to get it done. You couldn't remember all the details of your break, more blackouts. It's just because of how bad the case was, the longer and worse the case was, the more blackouts you had. It was a normal coping mechanism you told yourself. Alex told you you had fallen in the kitchen and hit your head, which was extremely likely considering how clumsy you are.

"Y/N? Please don't just ignore me. Are you okay? Please just answer me... I'm worried." He says and you finally decide to look up and meet his eyes. He gets a good look at your entire face for the first time, his eyes growing more and more concerned. "Oh my god..." You hear him whisper under his breath.

"Spencer. Do you have a question about the case or any other work-related thing?"

"N-no but Y/N-"

You cut him off. "Then stop talking to me. We're at work Spencer, not a club or party where you can probe me with questions and look at me like I'm a hurt puppy in one of those ASPCA commercials." You snapped back at him, feeling a little bad but for some reason, you felt like it needed to be said. "How many times do I have to tell you. I am fine! My wellbeing isn't any of your concern anyway. We're colleagues. Nothing else, okay?" You stand up, seeing tears form in Spencer's eyes.

"Okay..." he whispers out, his voice cracking a bit.

Everyone in the main office is staring at you two now, including Hotch and Rossi. Morgan opens his mouth to make a comment. "Save it." You snap at him as you walk away quickly to the only person that didn't see any of that. Garcia.

As you're about to open the door to her little hideaway, you get a call. You hesitate to check it, thinking it might be Morgan, JJ, Emily, or even Reid. When you do look at it, you see it's Hotch. Damnit. You wait another two seconds then answer. "Look if this was about what just happened, I don't want to talk about it."

"It's not, we have a case coming in. But Y/N, if something is wrong, at home I mean, you know we're all here for you, especially Reid."

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you all that I am fine! Aren't we all profilers? Can't you read me and tell I'm not lying when I say I'm fine?"

"Yes, however, the marks on your face and the angry phone calls and texts say something completely different, and we all realize that something is up."

"Hotch. I'm too clumsy for my own good. I slipped in the kitchen and hit my face on the counter. I'm really fine. I just want to enjoy my job and all of you, but for that to happen, I need everyone to stop asking if I'm okay all the time."

"Alright. I'll tell them to stop asking you about it. Can you send Penelope to the briefing room? Then you join us 10 minutes later?"

"Sure. See ya Hotch."

He hangs up and you walk into Garcia's beautiful room of happiness and sparkles and it actually makes you smile. "Hey, hot stuff! How are you..." she trails off as she turns and looks at you.

"Don't." You warn her. "Hotch needed you in the briefing room, he told me to come in 10mins after, so scurry that beautiful, sunny brain of yours over there so we can start on the case soon!" You joke with her. She just nods and starts to walk out.

"Help yourself to any sparkle and happiness you find in here." She blows you a kiss and leaves.

Now that you're alone in the bright and rainbow room, you start to wonder why Hotch wanted you to come in long after the rest of the team. You start to think of every possible explanation, the thoughts hurting your head. "Screw it." You say as you walk out of Garcia's office and head over to the briefing room and wait outside the windowless door.

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