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"Okay, one last thing. Take off your blazer."

...oh shit. You look at him. You know he's dead serious but... but you couldn't.

"What? No. You can't make me do that."

"You're right I can't but I suspect that if you did take your blazer off there would be a lot of bruises and maybe even some cuts. I think you don't want to take it off because you're covering for Alex because Reid was right about him."

"No, you're wrong. He's never laid a hand on me with the intention of hurting me." You get up and open the door seeing out the window that the entire team is watching this all unfold so you might as well give them the audio of this next part.

"I'm getting sick and tired of all of you attacking him and saying he's this abusive asshole! The truth is I'm a clumsy, imperfect, idiot that shouldn't even be allowed to carry a gun, let alone shoot one! None of you know him as I do! Damnit I love you all as my friends but this shit has to end! I'm tired of having to pick between you guys and him because that's what it feels like I'm doing. As much as it's my dream to work here, I can't do it if you all are acting worried and sad towards me, we see enough sadness with this damn job! So let me say it again and make myself very clear. I am fine and safe with him, now leave me alone about it!"

Everyone has a look of shock on their faces seeing this new side of you. But Spence's face is different again. It's not even shock like the rest of them. It's just sad. He's crying harder now which is causing tears to form in your eyes so you run down the stairs and to the restroom.


For the next few weeks, everything at the BAU was okay, busy, but okay. You kept having the blackouts because of how stressful the weeks were but Alex helped you get through them, especially if you ended up falling or hurting yourself because of it.

Everyone was a little off but none of them questioned you or showed their worried faces when you were around when new marks showed up that you couldn't cover. Except for Spence. He hadn't been rambling as much, he always looked sad, and you never really talked to him anymore. Alex liked it better that way anyhow. No one at the BAU had actually met him before and you wanted to change that.

You called Emily, JJ, Garcia, and Morgan to your desk one day and proposed a dinner plan. "I know you guys probably want to meet Alex so I wanted to invite you four to dinner at that jazz club down the street that also serves actual food. I was wondering if we don't have a case, tomorrow at 7 pm? I'm sorry it's short notice so I understand if you can't go." They all look around at each other and agree to go.

"What about Hotch, Rossi, and Spence?" JJ asks

"I don't know... I'm not as close with Hotch and Rossi as I am with you guys. They'll meet him eventually."

"And Reid?" Emily asks.

You wanted him to be there. You wanted him to know you were safe but you knew how much Alex hated him and he already thought you were cheating on him with Spence. "I felt like it might be awkward with what happened. Alex still doesn't really like him all that much and doesn't want me hanging out with him."

Everyone looks slightly concerned but you don't say anything. With plans set for tomorrow night, you just had to hope a case didn't come in so everything went according to plan.

Little did you know, Spencer overheard the entire conversation. And he knew exactly what his plans were for tomorrow night.


7:44 pm.

Only 44 minutes into dinner and everything went to hell.

Dinner was going amazing up until then as far as you could tell. Until the time hit 7:44 pm.

When Alex and you arrived, JJ, Emily, Garcia, and Morgan were already there waiting. It didn't take a profiler to notice how worried they all looked before they saw you two. As soon as they noticed, all their expressions changed as they shifted in their seats. You two walked over to them and were greeted with a bunch of hellos and hugs. Alex never let go of your hand and squeezed it a little harder when you hugged Derek. You turned around to look at Alex. He shot a look at you and you quickly stepped away from Derek and sat down next to JJ. Alex slid into the booth next to you very closely to place his hand on your leg.

The only bad thing about the 44 minutes was you barely had the chance to speak. Anytime you were asked something, Alex would answer it. Anytime you started talking about anything, Alex would interrupt you. It didn't bother you that much until you started to notice the angry microexpressions your four colleagues were showing. Alex didn't notice because he wasn't a profiler, but you were pretty sure the other four didn't notice they were doing it either. You decided not to say anything and continued to go with the flow of the evening.

There were one or two moments of laughter from everyone but Derek. He wasn't his usual self. Garcia, of course, flirted with him during those 44 minutes but he never flirts back, he just smiled at her and took a sip of his drink or a bite of his food. The fact that there was any laughter seemed like a good sign to you.

37 minutes in, you all got your food. Alex still hadn't taken his hand off your leg, even after the food came. The service was quick despite there being a ton of people in there. The atmosphere was happy, but also calm because of the live jazz band that was playing. You thought that helped the dinner go smoothly, it kept everyone relaxed.

Or at least, everyone was relaxed. Until 7:44 pm hit.

You didn't notice at first but the three friends sitting across from you, Derek, Garcia, and Emily, had all gained blank expressions. They all stared straight behind you, not blinking or even breathing as far as you could tell.

"Hey, guys?" JJ questioned as she waved her hand over their faces, trying to get their attention. She decided to follow their gaze and as soon as she did, she joined their blank expressions.

"What the hell is going on? Is there like a gunman behind us or something?" JJ tapped your shoulder and pointed in the direction she was looking. You followed her finger and then you saw it.

Not it. Him. No no no no no. He can't be here. Oh god. Things were going so well.

7:44 pm.

The exact time Dr. Spencer Reid had shown up at the restaurant. 

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