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You don't know how long it's been. A few days? A week? You don't know. Everything just blends together now. Alex hasn't let up his torture and you're starting to lose faith your team is going to find you. He's kept the live stream up 24/7 so you see everything and so do they. Spencer hasn't left the house since you were taken. Him, Emily, and Garcia were working the hardest, if anyone is going to figure it out, it's them.

You lift your head to look around but pain shoots through your body. There must be something here to tell me where I am, to help them, you think as you check the monitors and see Spencer is watching the screen, he's the only one in the room.

"S-Spence..." you croak out. Alex only gave you the amount of food and water you needed to survive. Your throat was raw from screaming. You stayed strong for a while but it's become too much, you can't control your reactions anymore. Spence holds up a sign to one of the cameras.

I'm right here and listening. You managed to get the message to the team there were cameras in the house but no microphones. That was... a while ago...

"How long has it been?"

Three days. Please stay strong, for me.

"I'm trying but... I don't have much fight left Spence. I need you..." you feel bad for making him feel guilty but you have to keep the team invested in the case.

I will find you. Is there anything that can help us?

"Big warehouse..." You start to hear a slight humming noise. It starts quiet, then loud, then quiet again. A plane! "I-I think I'm near an airport. I heard a plane. I'm sorry I don't see more."

Any information is good information, thank you.

"Spencer," you haven't called him Spencer the entire time you've been here so you see him readjust in his chair to focus on you. "You need to understand this isn't your fault. I'm not mad at you." He contemplates what to write.

It is my fault. I broke my promise to you.

"It is no one's fault but Alex and... and mine." He doesn't get a chance to respond because Alex comes back. He wasn't careful like he usually was and you saw his car. Red Pick-Up Truck, of course, the most basic white guy car. You have to remember that. There was a field behind it. Grass and a... you think it's a hot air balloon but it's hard to tell through the blurriness of your vision-

Your thoughts get interrupted by the sting of Alex's palm. He'd done that so many times the past 3 days it felt just as bad as the stabbing.

"I thought we'd have a little fun today. With flames." Your eyes widen in fear. You've always had a massive fear of fire and an open flame, Alex knew that, your team knew that. Hotch let you stay at the police station whenever there was an arson case. When you first revealed it to the team, Spence said it was called Pyrophobia and info-dumped about it. It made you feel better after revealing you were afraid of something as stupid as fire.

You see him call the others in the room. If you were going to beg for anything from Alex, it was he didn't do this.

(Spencer's POV)

"Hotch! We have to find her, he's going to break her." This can't be happening. How are we not any closer to finding her than we were three days ago? She's done a good job holding out so far but she won't last long if he starts burning her, I just know it.

"Reid I know we do. We're trying as hard as we-" Hotch gets interrupted by Y/N's screams and begs and cries coming from the computer. I cover my ears and turn away. I've seen worse and heard worse, but I can't handle hearing her like this, knowing it's all my fault.

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