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Derek didn't show up until about 9 pm, the case ran later than expected that night. When he got there, he didn't even acknowledge Spencer, he ran straight to you and engulfed you tightly in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay kitty cat..." he whispers while holding you close.

"I'm happy to see you too Morgan but uh you're very close to hurting me." You say while laughing and he quickly let's go mumbling apologies. You let him know it's fine as he goes over and finally acknowledges Spence.

"Okay, so what's the plan here genius?"

"Well, there's pizza on the counter if you want some, should be warm still. We'll head out once JJ and Emily get here."

"That shouldn't be too long, they left right after me," Derek responds and almost immediately after, there's a knock at the door. You feel yourself tense up a bit but you remind yourself it's just JJ and Em. Spence opens the door and greets them both. They give him a side hug and quickly rush over to you, concern flooding both their faces.

"Oh my god, Y/N are you okay?" JJ asks as she hugs you quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll explain more later I promise." You look over at Spence, the anxiety filling you realizing what he and Morgan were going to do. He noticed and walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, we're going to be fine I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen to Morgan or me. We'll go in, get your stuff, and come right back here. And we'll make sure he doesn't follow us back here. We're going to be okay, you're going to be okay." He pulls you into a hug and you reciprocate it back. When you separate from him, everyone else is looking at you two. The awkward silence is there for about 10 seconds before Spence finally breaks it.

"Morgan? You ready to do this?"

"Yeah, let me just grab a slice of pizza, I'm starving over here pretty boy." He laughs and grabs a slice of pepperoni from the box. He comes back over to you and gives you one last hug before heading out the door. So much hugging...

Spencer quickly follows him out and shuts the door behind him. You run over and lock every single lock, just to be safe. You turn around only to see both Emily and JJ staring at you. "What?" You question, genuinely confused.

"So... you gonna tell us what happened?" Emily asks cautiously.

"And uh what's happening between you and Spence?" JJ adds in. You knew you had to tell them everything, they were your best girlfriends after all.

"I will tell you everything but... I think we're missing someone and something if I'm gonna explain all that's happened." You hold out your hand to Emily. She smirks and hands you her phone after unlocking it for you. You quickly open the phone app and call Garcia and she picks up after one ring. "Hey hot stuff, how quickly can you be at Reid's place?

"Oh OH it's YOU! Hi! Are you okay? I missed you today kitten!"

"Garciaaaa, how quickly?"

"Uhhhh how presentable do I have to be? Is boy genius there?"

"Nope, not right now anyway. Just JJ, Em, and me, but your chocolate thunder and boy genius should be back in an hour or so."

"Okayyyy then 15 minutes max! Do I need to bring refreshments?" You can't help but laugh, you missed her happiness.

"A good amount of wine would be great, we already have pizza, but Spence owns like no alcohol so please savior Penelope bring us some." You hear her bubbly laugh over the phone.

"You shall worship at my throne in 15! Love ya!"

"Love you too girly." She hangs up first and you hand the phone back to Em. "She said she'll be here in 15 minutes max, can you guys deal with not knowing anything until then?" They both nod and head over to get some pizza. You hope Spence was okay with you inviting another person over. You hoped Spence was okay in general, to be honest. You tried not to worry, he told you not to, but it was so hard. He's not going in alone. He has backup. But Alex is massive and dangerous and angry and he at least had your gun, who knows how many more he-

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