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"Honey what you waitn' for-"

"Shut up, we're here," Derek interrupts as he practically runs out of the SUV. After almost 2 hours of driving and Spence and you basically torturing Derek with your off-key broadway singing, you had finally arrived at the station in DC. You pause the music and Spence and you step out of the car.

"I have never seen Morgan leave a car that quickly, you two really did a number on him," Emily jokes.

"You didn't have to deal with 2 hours of blaring musicals and terrible singing," Derek yells back from the front of the station.

"Hey, I'll have you know that I have won many karaoke contests and talent shows for singing-" You defend yourself.

"And it was only one hour and thirty-two minutes, not two hours," Spence adds. You laugh and smile at him. All of you start to walk towards the station.

"I hate how well you two complement each other-" Derek comments under his breath.

"Kids, stop arguing, we're heading inside," JJ interjects.

"Yes mom," you giggle as she turns and glares at you jokingly. When your team enters, there's an instant feeling of tension in the building. Someone, who you can only assume is the chief, runs over to greet you all.

"Welcome, I'm Chief Dimino."

"I'm SSA Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, and these are SSAs Prentiss, Morgan, Jareau, Rossi, Dr. Reid, and Y/L/N." Chief Dimino looks at you the entire time. There's something in his eyes... you can't tell what it is. He holds out his hand to shake yours, but you decide to pull a Spence, not in the mood to touch him.

"Did you know that handshakes are the worst offender in germ transmission?" You say as you wave at him. He pulls his hand back and smiles at you. "Where do you have us set up to work?" You ask trying to change the subject since the entire team was curiously watching the exchange.

"Yeah, right over here," you start to walk in the direction he's pointing as he wraps his arm around your waist to guide you. Nope. You quickly spin out of it.

"Okay... you can lead the way, then." He turns to smile at you again before turning back around and continuing walking. You shudder, "Please, god, I cannot handle this, do not make the lead chief a perv..." you whisper under your breath before continuing to walk forward.

"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Spence asks, running to catch up with you.

"Fine. Let's just get to work."

"I'm gonna be the only cop willing to help you guys. A lot of them are still pretty freaked out with the victim switch, but I want to catch this guy. He killed my men. If you need anything," he pauses to look and smile at you, "just let me know." He winks at you and heads out the door. You roll your eyes and sit at the far end of the long conference table. Spence sits next to you as you both pull out your files, including everything you have on Alex.

"Reid and Y/L/N, I'm going to let you two lead on your part of the investigation, do what you need to do. You have my full support, just let me know what you find," you both nod at Hotch, "Morgan and Prentiss, head down to the M.E.'s office and see what you can find out about their deaths. JJ and Rossi, I want you two with me interviewing families and friends. We're coming into this case 5 bodies deep and basically alone, everyone needs to put in extra effort on this." Everyone gives their own sign of agreement as they disperse.

Spence and you instantly start diving into files, victim information, exchanges with Alex, possible timelines and geographical profiles, everything. Doing the deep dive into Alex's life felt really weird. You knew most of the information already but some of it was new or stuff he lied to you about. For example, he said he grew up in Arizona with both of his parents, that was a lie. He was born in Texas and then after his mom mysteriously disappeared three years after he was born, almost exactly, he and his father moved to DC. There were a lot of mysteries in his past, more than you thought there would be.

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