The End?

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hello all, gail here-

so i have decided to end drowning without water where i originally planned to end it.

there may be a drowning without water 2 some point in the future that will have the chapters i unpublished and finish that whole storyline, but for now, i am happy with this happy ending.

i'm sorry if this isn't what you were expecting but i was struggling to write anymore in this fic.

this was my first attempt at writing fan fiction and i am so so proud of it. i told a story that isn't normally told by someone who's been through it. if i'm being honest, this book was my coping mechanism. and then it gained popularity and became something others could relate to.

i want to say i'm sorry again for ending it so abruptly but i am so happy with where i decided to end it.

if you have any questions or comments or anything, feel free to message me, i will always respond <3

please check out my other fics because i'm gonna be focusing on those a bit more now that i don't have to worry about this one as much.

i love you all, and thank you for supporting me through this crazy, almost year-long journey.

thank you,
laz_spaz <3

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