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Spencer. Fucking. Reid. What the hell was he doing here? How did he even know about this? Did one of the others tell him? You didn't know how he knew but you knew you were both pissed and scared. You look at Alex. He sees Reid and grabs onto your leg much tighter than before. You wince, alerting JJ next to you. She opens her mouth to say something but you motion her to stop and she does.

You watch as Spencer starts to walk over to you guys. With every step Spencer takes, Alex grabs your leg harder. You swear he broke the skin by the time Spencer got to the table.

"Oh hey, gu-" Spencer says as you interrupt him.

"What the hell are you doing here Spencer." You struggle to get that out as you feel yourself close to tears. From both anger at Spencer being there and the sharp, constant pain in your leg from Alex. You try to lift his hand off but he doesn't budge. You see Spencer's eyes follow your hand and he sees what Alex is doing. A flash of anger crosses his face, but he quickly clears it off and goes back to his normal, calm demeanor.

"I uh overheard you talking about this and meeting Alex and I've just been dying to meet him. I know we got off on the wrong foot but hopefully, we can clear the air." You look at Alex. You've never been able to read him but you hoped this was the one time you could. Nothing. You couldn't read anything. Not from Alex or Spencer. You could clearly read JJ, Emily, Garcia, and Derek however and it looked like they were just as confused and nervous as you were.

"Spencer. I don't-" Alex shushes you and you stop talking. You see the flash of anger on Reid's face again and then it's gone. JJ grabs your hand to comfort you and let you know you were okay. You nodded a thank you at her and looked down. You could see dark scarlet spots forming on your jeans right where his nails were. As far as you knew, he's never hurt you like this before. You could understand him though. He was jealous of Spencer. He thought Spencer and you were sleeping together so he was jealous. You feel a tear slide down your face as Emily wipes it off.

"Spence, look-"

"Dr. Reid." Spencer interrupts through his teeth.

"Okay. Dr. Reid. I don't know what you have against me. It might be because I'm dating the girl you love and you're just set to ruin my life because you're not getting your way."

"That's not-"

"Now I know who you are," Alex carries on, ignoring Spencer, "the FBI BAU golden genius. I've heard Y/N talk about all the wonders boy genius brings." You hear Derek take a deep, angry breath hearing Alex call Spencer his nickname for him. Alex finally lets go of your leg and you let out a louder wince than when he initially started grabbing it. This alerts everyone at the table to look at you except Alex and Spencer, who are staring each other down. Even though he didn't look at you, you could see Spencer's face fill with rage and he couldn't make it go away this time.

"But right here. Right now. You are nothing but the jealous friend who lost his chance to admit any form of feelings you had for Y/N. Because guess what boy genius?" Alex asks calmly, his arms folded across his chest.

"What." You hear Spencer whisper angrily.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you."

"Alex... please... let's just go..." You try to plead with Alex. He shot a look at you and you stopped pleading with him. He decided to wrap one of his arms around your waist and you knew he only did it to torture Spencer. You felt another tear fall and wiped it off yourself this time. Spencer glared harshly at Alex. You've never seen him this angry. The others just stared at the interaction, ready to defend Spencer if a fight broke out, except for JJ. She held tightly onto your hand and had her complete focus on you and making sure you were okay.

"WHAT!" Spencer yells as he slams his hand on the table making everyone jump except Alex who remained calm.

"Oooo getting a little heated aren't we? Anyway kiddo, I came into the picture and swept her off her feet, that's what. You have no chance with her and it's killing you. You may be a genius in everything else but in this area," Alex waved his free hand to motion at you, "I outsmart you."

Alex stands up and pulls you with him, ripping you from JJ's grip as she tries so hard to hold on. Spencer just stands there. Frozen in anger.

"Oh, and Spence," Alex decides to add as he's grabbing his coat and you're grabbing yours, "this one's just for you." You feel Alex pull you close to him, leaning down to kiss you as you try to pull away, not wanting to hurt Spencer anymore.

"Stop... no... I don't want-"

You hear a loud punch as Alex lets go of you, reaching for his own face. You turn and face Spencer who's holding his hand. Spencer just... he just... in front of... he punched Alex... Hard... You look at the others who are still sitting, all the girl's jaw's are dropped but Derek is ready to get up and protect Reid if he has to. You look back at Alex, who's still holding his face as blood begins to pool down below him, dripping from his hand.

"Son of bitch kid!" You hear Alex yell.

"Y/N. Grab my hand. Get behind me and you can stay with one of us for the night, we can keep you safe. He has to stop this." Spencer says as he looks you in the eyes the way he does when talking down an unsub.

"Y/N!" You hear Alex yell.

"I... I... I'm sorry Spence..." You say as you kneel down next to Alex. "Hey babe... let's get you home and cleaned up. I am so so sorry this happened. He wasn't supposed to be here. I'm sorry. I should've been more careful when inviting people to make sure no one was listening. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot sometimes." You help Alex up and held onto his waist to steady him.

Spencer tries to run and hit him again but Derek manages to grab him and hold him back.

"No! Y/N! Please don't do this! Don't go with him! You're gonna get yourself killed if you go home with him tonight! Please Y/N I'm begging you." Spencer yells as you two start to exit the restaurant. You stop and lean Alex against something.

"I'll be right back babe, I promise." You whisper to him and he nods in return. You turn around and head straight to Spencer and you were pissed. You stand in front of him, Derek still holding onto him. You stand there for two seconds and then slap him across the face, hard.

"If you EVER pull something like this again, I am DONE with this team. I will resign and you'll get your wish and never have to see me with him again. He is NOT going to kill me! If anyone at this dinner WAS going to kill someone, right now I think it'd be you. Did I want to kiss him in front of you during that fight? NO! Was I going to kiss him anyway? YES because he is my boyfriend. NOT YOU! Do you have ANY idea what you just did? You just punched my boyfriend, like full FBI force punched him, in the face! I don't know why you showed up here tonight. You weren't invited at all! I will continue to work with you, but that's it! I'm done with you outside of work. You aren't my friend and are certainly not my boyfriend because the person with that title is by the door holding his bloody face in his hands. You crossed a line here. I don't know if you came here with the intention to hurt him or even me but congratulations genius! You did both."

You stood there and looked at him, seeing him hold back tears, for two seconds before starting to walk away.

"Y/N..." You heard Spencer cry out. You turned around and faced him.

"SCREW YOU SPENCER REID!" You yelled back and ran out with Alex.

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