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TW// mention of sexual assault (there will be a double asterisk (**) before and after the triggering part <3)

No... no no no... you jolt your head up and look around. How did he know you two were staring at each other?

"Hey? Talk to me. What was the text?" You don't reply, you couldn't. You stood up and threw your phone on the couch. You were too panicked to turn it off. You practically run to all of his windows and close all the curtains Spencer quickly picked up your phone from the couch and read the text. He grew angry but quickly became concerned with you. You were struggling to breathe. Why couldn't this be over? You kept running around his apartment making sure everything was secure. "Y/N?" He tried to grab your attention but you were barely listening to anything except your own heartbeat.

He quickly ran over in front of your path and grabbed onto your shoulders softly to not hurt you. "He's not going to get you. I am not leaving you. You just have to breathe Y/N. You're safe." You shook your head, feeling your panic become more intense. You got him into this. He would be safe if it wasn't for you. "Y/N look at me, please." Slowly, you look at him, not able to stop yourself from breaking down in his arms. "It's going to be okay. Please, don't cry... I hate seeing you upset."

"He... h-he's watching... how d-did he know?" You barely stutter out, basically whispering.

"I don't know. Can I call someone? Derek, Penelope, Emily, JJ? Please?" You slowly nod. You knew you needed help. You weren't going to stay quiet about this. You wanted him out of your life, and quickly.

"Okay, I'm going to let go of you for a second to grab my phone. Who do you want me to call?"

"E-Emily and JJ..." He nods and slowly lets go of you. You didn't want to stand anymore. Walking over to the back of the couch, you sat on the floor and leaned up against it. You pulled your knees to your chest and tucked your head into them, trying to make yourself as small as possible.

"Hey Emily, I'm going to add JJ to the call..." his voice was shaking, it was obvious he was nervous. "JJ, I have Emily on the other line, let me add you." As he did this, he put it on speaker and sat on the floor next to you, sitting as close as he could to you. "You're on speaker with Y/N and me... I know it's late but can you two come over? Alex texted Y/N. He knew exactly what she and I were doing." You didn't look up from your knees, you couldn't be bothered.

"What did the text say?" JJ asks, anger pressing her voice.

"I know where you are. You can't hide from me. I'll let you have your night of staring with Dr. Spencer Reid, but just you wait. Watch your back love." Spence recites word for word, your breath picked up hearing it again. It was like each sentence punched you in the gut... "Y/N. Breathe, it's okay. He's not here, it's just me."

"Pretty girl, are you okay?" Emily asks but you don't respond. You couldn't think straight, speaking felt laboring. You just wanted to shut down.

"She's not doing so good Emily. I really need you and JJ here if it's possible." His voice was cracking like he was about to cry.

"I'm already on my way, be there in less than 10," JJ said with a tone of determination you'd never heard before.

"I'll get there after JJ but I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Thank you both," Spence says. You hear JJ hang up.

"Stay strong pretty girl," Emily said before hanging up, leaving you and Spence alone.

"I-I can't do t-this anymore Spencer..." you whisper so quietly you didn't even know if he could hear you. He tries to wrap his arm around you but you flinch away. You knew he wasn't Alex but... his touch. It didn't feel like Spencer, it felt like Alex.

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