10. In Dire Need x 2

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"Then I will need to prep you first Levi." Parting my lips to speak back, suddenly fingers got shoved inside my mouth. My eyes grew wide, as I stared up at the DOLL over top of me. "Suck." He calmly demanded of me, and I did exactly as he asked with zero hesitation in my mind.

My silver grey eyes, locked with his beautiful turquoise ones as I sucked greedily on his fingers in my mouth. My tongue gliding up and down each one slowly and sexually.

"Make sure they are nice and wet Levi." His voice sounds smooth, sending shivers throughout my body as I watched his eyes almost gloss over with lust. He pulled his now glistening wet fingers from my mouth, as I watched a string of my saliva connect his fingers from my lips.

"Eren, please." Shit I really hate that I am moaning, begging for this DOLL to pleasure me. He isn't real, he is a robot. He isn't real, not real, but fuck he acts so real. He is throwing me off, on how he reacts with slight emotions he displays. Emotions DOLLS are not supposed to show.

"How I love hearing you beg for me." He whispered deeply, while he suddenly took one of my legs and tossed it up over his shoulder. "This will give me better access to pleasure you." I blush a deep red, at the view he now has of my naked body before him.

Shivers run through my body, as the sudden sensation of his wet fingers glide across my entrance. I go to speak when I cry out instead. "Ah!" Eren smirked down at me, as he pushed his one finger inside of me fully.

"Is that what you want? Don't worry Levi, I will show you the best time of your life." He pulled his finger out, only to push it back inside of me but this time with a second finger joining it.

"Ahh h-ahhh!" My back arched up, as my head pressed back into my bed at the sensation coursing through my body at this very moment. "H-hah, it's been so long, t-to long." I moan out softly.

"I am only just getting started Levi, just you wait for the real thing."

I blush deeply as I gaze up at the DOLL, only to see him as a human, but my mind goes back to seeing his plugin port. This fully reminds me he isn't human. He isn't even real.

These thoughts are pushed deep into the back of my mind as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me quickly. Loud moans escaped my lips, as he started to make scissoring motions and curled his fingers inside me. Just when I think I can't handle anymore, he pulls out his fingers only to enter his third finger inside of me.

"S-shit! E-eren!" I gasp out as I squeeze my eyes shut. "Oh god, I. Hah mm, I can't."

Suddenly hot breath hit my face, and his lips took mine in a heated passionate kiss. "Cum for me Levi."

I blush madly, but hearing those words I couldn't stop myself from crying out while out arching my back feeling that tightening sensation in my stomach. "Oh God! I, h-hah EREN!" Crying out as my entire body trembles beneath him, I hit my orgasm while my cum shoots out painting my own chest. My cheeks are a deeper red by now, as I gaze up at him noticing his eyes watching me closely.

"Beautiful. That was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, Levi let me pleasure you fully now." He whispers in that deep voice, and I lay there watching silently as he removes my shirt from his body. Before removing the loose sweatpants and boxers I gave him. "I have been waiting for this moment, ever since I was created for you."

I watch as he moves between my legs, and I can't help but bite my lower lip. "Wait!" I think of something quickly. "Can, can you I mean, uhhh do you even get an orgasm and cum?" I blush deeply hearing my own words. "No, that would be impossible, wouldn't it? DOLLS most likely don't feel pleasure, or have any sort of orgasm and release." By now I was mumbling.

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