8. Unexpected

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Damn I wish Erwin never called me into work but then again, if he didn't who knows what I would have done with that damned Brat. I was unable to stop him from kissing me. I am more than positive that heated kiss we shared, would have led to something so much more. Staring down at the bar counter, my face heated up in a blush as this thought enters my mind.

"Levi you ok?" Raising my gaze up to meet Erwin's, I see a very knowing look on his stupid smug face.

"Yeah sorry, I'm fine." Grabbing a cloth I begin to wipe down the bars countertop. It was fairly quiet here at the moment, so that wasn't too bad at the moment.

"You sure? You seem pretty distracted, not like your usual self."

"Sorry Erwin. Someone, er well something just recently showed up into my life."

"Oh?" I raise my gaze to see the damned giant standing before me while laughing down at me.

"Oh? What the hell does that mean!" I huff out annoyed crossing my arms and glaring at him.

I watch him shake his head, before pushing a hand through his short blonde hair. "When you say something, I am assuming you mean the DOLL?" My eyes grew wide at his words. "Oh? So my guess is right, huh?"

"How did you?"

"Those two brats of yours, well they told me about the DOLL before they left. They asked if you and I would ever get back together, so I told them the truth saying no."


Turning my gaze away from my Boss, I focus back again on scrubbing at the counter. It was true. Me and Erwin had history, and dated before when Farlan and Isabel were still around. But it didn't last very long. Nor did it amount to much to be honest. In the end we both agreed staying as friends was better for the both of us.

"Why the fuck did you not tell me what they were planning!"

"Oh calm down Levi. So how is he?"

Oh how I hated the blush I felt burning up my face. "Wouldn't know. I'm not about to fuck a robot."

Erwin burst out into laughter at my reply. "Levi dear god, as blunt as always I see."

"Whatever. I can't believe you knew and never once told me!" I scrubbed harder on the counter annoyed that this was happening to me. I felt like I was the subject to a cruel joke that everyone knew about.

"Oh relax will you? They wanted it to be a damned surprise." I feel Erwin's gaze upon me. "So, is he handsome?"

An image of Eren enters my mind and I blush deeply. "He is beautiful." I whisper under my breath. But I clearly hear Erwin laugh, causing myself to become more irritated. "But that is none of your damned business! I intend to have no sort of physical relationship, with the damned Brat."

"None whatsoever?" I watched his damned eyebrows furrow while he gazed at me. An image of Eren hovering over me kissing, me enters my mind and I blush yet a deeper shade of red. "By the look of your face, something already seemed to happen." Damn this monster tree was enjoying teasing me.

"It will never happen again." I growl out stubbornly.

"You say that now, but you can't stop thinking about him or what happened. Can you?"

I turn a sharp gaze onto Erwin, only to see him chuckling deeply. "Go fuck yourself you tall piece of shit!"

"Oh how I love to be right!" His laughter traveled the bar, causing the couple of customers at tables to glance over.

Throwing the cleaning cloth onto the counter, I spun around to face the damned giant. My arms crossed across my chest, while I gazed up at him with a cold emotionless face. "Do you even fucking need me here tonight, fucking Eyebrows?"

Erwin sighed. "guess not, with Mike calling in sick I thought it would be busier. Why don't you run off home your new little sex toy?" He sent me a wink causing me to only growl out deeply.

"I'm out of here! Shitty fucking Eyebrows!" I mutter under my breath while grabbing my jacket and apartment keys, only to exit the bar in a huff. "Thank god it was slow tonight." I whisper as I walk back down the street. My heart races within my chest, as I realize I wont be going home to an empty shitty apartment. "But it's not like he is real."

Sighing to myself I kick at a rock that bounces down the road before me. When I met up with it again, I merely kicked it once more, having it fly off to the side as I kept walking straight.

But just the thought of being able to ask this damned DOLL about my friends, about my family. This thought alone made me pick up my pace, as I soon found myself unlocking the main apartment door and walking up towards my unit. Placing the key into the door I unlock it, while opening it up slowly.

However I was not quite prepared to come home to this greeting.

"Whoa!" Suddenly my back got pushed up against the now closed door behind me, as I felt hot yet soft lips pressing up against my own. A warm body pushed up against mine, holding me in my place as my lips got attacked by another's. I tried to resist and push him off of me, truly I did. But damn, this DOLL is an amazing kisser!

"Levi." Hearing him whisper out my name seductively like that, as our lips parted from one anothers sent a shiver down my spine. "I missed you." His whisper sounded genuine, only to be following with him once more capturing my lips with his.

I know I shouldn't encourage him like this, but I can't help myself, as the smallest moan escapes my throat as we continue to kiss one another. His lips soon drifted from mine, as he slowly started to kiss along my jawline, making his way to my ear where he nibbled on my earlobe playfully. My entire body shivered at his touch, and not in a bad way. His hands glide up towards my chest, as I find myself moaning out once more from his touch.

"Eren, no. We can't do t-this." I whispered out in a soft quiet pleading voice. I was afraid, because damn I do not want this DOLL to stop. My eyes opened suddenly with a gasp escaping my lips, as I felt him place one of his knees in between my legs. I bite at my own lower lip, as I gazed shyly into his beautiful turquoise eyes.


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