7. You Saw Them?

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"Levi." He whispered deeply, leaning in close enough so I could feel his hot breath on my face sending shivers down my spine.

Jumping back in fright, I couldn't help but gasp out in surprise. "What the hell!" I cry out as my back is now pressed against the armrest of the couch, staring up into Eren's beautiful eyes. They really do look like you're gazing into the ocean.

He moved closer to me yet, as he positioned himself to straddle my legs. I was speechless. "I know everything that you want in a lover Levi. You will not find a better lover suited for you out there, then me." He leaned in close causing me to turn my face away, so he ended up kissing my cheek instead.


"You want a guy younger than yourself who seems completely innocent with a glance, but will then turn around and dominate over you." My eyes closed as I felt his hot breath hit my ear as he whispered seductively. "Let me dominate you Levi, let me make you mine." His lips softly kissed just beneath my ear, and damn did my body ever shiver in delight.

My eyes opened wide, I had to stop this now. "I, no. Eren, we can't." I whispered out, but it was weak and I barely believed my own words.

Eren grasped my chin, turning me to face him. My cheeks burned a bright red as he smiled at me. "You're so beautiful Levi." Leaning in, he pressed our lips together.

My heart pounded in my chest, at the sensation of his lips upon mine. I needed to stop this right now, I had to stop this.

Raising up both of my hands, I placed them upon his chest to push his body away. But instead I found myself gripping my shirt he was wearing, as my eyes slowly fell shut as I kissed him back.

Shit. Fuck no. He is an amazing kisser.

Our lips moved together in perfect harmony. From the way they molded together, to how they gently caressed one another's while we moved our lips in perfect sync.

This is bad, very bad. Levi stop this!

I tried to stop the kiss, but damn it's too good. He is too damned good. I find myself wanting even more from him, causing a soft little moan to escape the back of my throat.

"Levi." He whispered my name, breaking our kiss, allowing me to catch my breath before he returned to kissing me once more. His lips on mine, made me forget the world around us.

Slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck, as I freely kissed him back. I was losing myself in his embrace. His one hand moved down and gripped at my thigh, making me shiver madly in delight. While his other hand slowly slid up the front of my shirt. The sensation of his tanned skin upon my own as he caressed across my stomach made another soft moan escape my throat.

"Hah, mm."

Hearing this, Eren clearly knew I was enjoying myself. The hand on my thigh squeezed and massaged at it, while his other continued to explore under my shirt.

Soon I found my body pulled away from the arm rest, only to find myself now laying upon my back gazing into those breathtaking eyes.

Eren leaned back down to kiss me once more, and that was when I heard it. My cell phone started to ring, pulling my mind back into reality.

Using all my strength, I manage to push Eren off of me. Staring at him with wide eyes, my chest was rising and falling with heavy breaths and a rapidly beating heart.

Jumping up before he had the chance to say anything, I rushed over to my phone answering it. "Ackerman here. oh Erwin it's just you. Uhh tonight?" I send a glance towards Eren who was watching me closely. "Yeah, you know what? Actually tonight will work perfect for me. I will see you there, bye." Hanging up the call, I stood there a little embarrassed about what just happened moments before.

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