11. His Memories

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Laying with my head upon Eren's bare chest. My fingers move around his chest, drawing little designs.

"You are so different from the other DOLLS that I have seen." I whisper out quietly, before looking up to gaze at his face. He looked calm and at peace, while he lays here with me in his bed with his eyes closed. His one hand rested behind his own head, while the other wrapped around my waist as his fingers grazed my skin up and down softly.

"How am I so different?" I could clearly hear the confusion in his own voice.

"Well..." I freeze trying to think of what to say. "You just are Eren. You seem more human than a robot."

He sighed as his turquoise eyes opened and gazed at me. "But I am just a robot Levi, you know that. Don't forget that it is as you said, I am not real."

I nod my head to show I understand, yet hearing himself say that hurt my heart. "Yes. I know that." I smile softly. "But I also know you are right, robot or not. You are my perfect lover, I will never find another that makes me feel like you do."

A handsome smirk appears on his lips, as I push my naked body up just enough and kiss him softly. "I was designed just for you Levi, from my looks down to my personality."

This brings back my earlier curiosity. "Tell me."

His eyes shone with confusion, as his head cocked to the sighed slightly while he lay on the pillow. "Tell you what?"

"Isabel, Farlan." My voice was soft, as I tried to hide my pain just from speaking their names out loud. "You said you met them."

"I did, they wanted to make sure I was perfect for you."

"Tell me, please Eren." I beg once more.

"Tell you what exactly Levi?" The sensation of his fingers grazing my skin, calmed me slightly.

"Just, everything." I whisper out. "How they were. What they looked like. How they acted." I glanced up, finding myself gazing into my DOLLS beautiful eyes.

"They were happy. But they were sad that they left without you. That they already missed you so much. But I remember them saying, they knew you wouldn't be alone or sad once you received me. That you would be pissed at them at first. But you would be happy in the end."

I can't help but laugh at what Eren says was fully true. "Those idiots." I mumble to myself.

"I don't remember too much about it." Eren stopped to think, remaining silent for a good couple minutes before he continued to speak up.

"I remember Farlan was this taller blonde guy, he seemed so calm and composed. Like he was ready, and could handle anything life threw at him. Then there was Isabel." He stopped once more, most likely thinking of the best way to describe her. "She was crazy. She wouldn't shut up or stand still. She just kept bouncing around the room in excitement. My Maker Hanji, was a lot like Isabel. Both kept squealing and hugging each other, saying I was perfect for you. That no other DOLL would be right for you, only I would. Farlan was the only sane one out of the three of them."

Tears filled my eyes as I listened to him talking about my family. "They were always like that, Farlan and Isabel. Farlan was basically my brother. We met at a younger age, and were inseparable ever since. We both had no family of our own, so we became our own family, two brothers who would get into so much shit. Then we met Isabel one day, she was in trouble the day we ran into her. Men were chasing her, and we saved her sorry ass. She was so annoying back then, still was actually, she always got on my nerves. She was the annoying bratty little sister. The one I never had, and never wanted."

"But you loved her?"

I nod my head at Eren's question. "I loved them both. They were my family, my siblings. Neither of them cared that I was gay or anything either. They still loved me for being me."

"Can I ask Levi, where exactly did they leave?"

I tensed up and sighed heavily. "Look, we weren't exactly who you might think, we kinda were thieves I guess you could say. We did a lot of work and dealings in the Underground. I am ashamed of it now, and haven't gone back there since I lost them. Well we were offered this one job. They said they would pay us handsomely, if we broke into this high security building to steal blueprints for something like that. I still don't know what it was. But we said no. We knew the dangers of it. Plus we all wanted out of that life."

"But they went to do it anyway?"

I nod my head once more. "I woke up to them gone, with only a note left for me. They went to do the job without me, and then we were going to use the money to find a new home for us. Then how the three of us would start new lives. They never knew exactly where they were breaking into, but I knew it was a sketchy job, yet they still did it. They got caught, and killed on sight."

Tears fell from my eyes, landing on Eren's chest. "Hey, shh, it's alright."

I shook my head, as he tried to comfort me. "The worst part, they knew doing this job would kill them. From the very start we all knew it was a suicide mission, but they thought they could outsmart them. It didn't work. If only I was there to stop them, then they wouldn't have left. But if they never left, then they never would have gotten you for me."

"Me? Wouldn't you prefer them in your lives, instead of me? A Robot?" Eren whispers quietly, clearly confused.

"Never leave me Eren!" I suddenly burst out.

"Levi I..." I gazed up at my DOLL, and I saw the tears falling down his cheeks.

"How?" Sitting up instantly, I reach my hand out and wipe away the tears. "How can you cry? How are you so human-like?"

I feel his hand cup my face. "I don't know. I am a DOLL. I am not real. I don't know."

"Eren." I whisper pressing my face against his hand. "Would you let me take you to see this Hanji Zoe who created you?" I whisper out softly. "I want to ask her questions about you."

He nodded his head. "I will go with you then Levi."

"Thank you." I smile and lean down kissing his lips gently, the soft lips of my DOLL.


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