9. In Dire Need

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"Eren, no. We can't do t-this." I whispered out in a soft quiet pleading voice. I was afraid, because damn I do not want this DOLL to stop. My eyes opened suddenly with a gasp escaping my lips, as I felt him place one of his knees in between my legs. I bite at my own lower lip, as I gazed shyly into his beautiful turquoise eyes.

"Levi." Looking away from him, I couldn't meet his gaze any longer. My heart was pounding in my rib care, while my cheeks tinged the tiniest bit of pink. "Do you truly wish me to stop?"

I felt his finger glide along my now brightly flushed face. "I, u-uh I..." I mentally curse and slap myself for stuttering, and unable to just yell out 'Yes'.

Inhaling a sharp breath of air, I could feel him raise his knee up just enough to slightly press up against my, uh well you know. My heart skipped a beat, as he went straight back to kissing my neck before nibbling on my earlobe once more.

"All you have to do is order me to stop." His hot breath whispered into my ear, while my body shuddered in damn pleasure. "I must obey you Levi. Order me to stop, if that is your true desire."

My eyes fluttered shut, as his lips kissed my neck just beneath my ear now. I moan out softly, as my body began to melt into this DOLLS damn touch. It has been awhile since I last had sex, and fuck my body was in dire need of it. Moaning out softly more, Eren's lips slightly travel lower along my neck. My body was burning up, and felt like it would catch fire wherever his lips made contact against my pale cold skin.

"Eren." His name I gave him, left my lips in a soft whisper.

"You were the one who wanted a dominating lover Levi. If you don't tell me to stop, then I won't." His body pressed up against mine even more. While at the same time he raised his knee up, pressing it into my groin causing a muffled moan to escape my lips.

"D-don't..." I whisper out, causing him to pull back every so slightly to gaze into my eyes.

"Don't what Levi?" He looked at me in slight confusion, as his head cocked to the side.

I shyly bite my lower lip, knowing full well what I am about to ask of him. He is a robot for fuck sake! He isn't real! "Don't s-stop, please." My heart out spoke my mind, as I begged him to continue.

The moment those words left my lips, he was on me once more in a heated kiss. I moaned out as his tongue glided along my lower lip, before his teeth took a hold of it. He nibbled gently on it and pulled my lower lip with his teeth, in a playful seductive manner making me moan and gasp out.

The moment the gasp escapes my lips, the damned DOLL takes this chance to shove his own tongue inside my mouth. My body shivered deeply, as I felt his moist wet tongue running against my own. Another damn moan escaped me, muffling into our kiss as his hands gripped at my sides tightly. The knee between my legs, pressed upwards the tiniest bit more against my now hardening member.

I can't help but to be turned on by all of this. Not only has it been awhile for sexual interactions for myself. But this damned DOLL, fuck he is perfect. He is as he told me, everything I ever wanted in a lover. Making himself my perfect partner. Seeing how amazing of a kisser he is, it makes my heart race with thoughts that he must be amazing at sex. However a sudden thought hit my mind hard.

Separating our lips, I couldn't help but blurt out my question. "Have you had sex before?"

His face broke out into a breathtaking smile, as soft laughter erupted from his perfect lips. His laugh is bright and cheerful, while his eyes seemed to twinkle in happiness. I am easily enough to say, mesmerized. I never heard of DOLLS laughing before. Yet this DOLLS laugh, his laugh, Eren's laugh. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and heard.

"No Levi. I am as you humans would call a virgin. I never existed before coming to you, remember? So naturally I have never made love to another. You will be my first and only lover."

I nod my head taking in what he says.

"Oh but don't worry Levi. If you are worried I may lack performance, I was programmed to know just what to do for sexual purposes." I blush deeply hearing him say that so casually. "May I take you to your bedroom now, and pleasure you Levi?"

I could only nod my head. "Y-yeah." Once more I curse and mentally kick myself, for the damned stutter in my words.

Feeling Eren take my hand in his, he pulls me away from the door and into my bedroom. I cry out in surprise, when I feel him throw my body onto the bed as he instantly climbed up above me. Gazing up at him, I watched him lean down and only to start kissing me deeply. Moaning out, I feel his hands start to unbutton the black vest. His hands made quick work as he loosened my neck tie. Pulling my body to sit before him, he removes the vest and tie from my body, starting to quickly work on removing the white long sleeved button up I wore.

"You're so sexy Levi." He whispered into my ear as his hands finished removing my shirt, leaving my upper body bare for his eyes to roam across freely. "Damn you're beautiful."

I shiver once more, feeling his lips once more upon my sensitive neck. My hardness in my pants made me shift on the bed before him, making me beg out weakly. "Eren please, just f-fuck me."

"Is.." His fingers traced my lips as he props his body up, while smirking down at me. His shaggy brown hair, just fell across his eyes and face. "That, an order?"

I knew just what he wanted to hear, so I gave into my sexual urges. "Yes Eren, it's an order. I order you to fuck me, right here, right now."

"Yes Levi."

His hands made quick work of undoing my black dress pants, pulling them free from my body along with my boxers. There I lay, blushing madly while completely naked before him.

"How long?" He asked me in a soft tender tone. "How long since you last had sex?"

"I, uhh." I cleared my throat shyly. "It's been a long while." I muttered out embarrassed.

"Then I will need to prep you first Levi." Parting my lips to speak back, suddenly fingers got shoved inside my mouth. My eyes grew wide, as I stared up at the DOLL over top of me. "Suck." He calmly demanded of me, and I did exactly as he asked with zero hesitation in my mind.


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