5. E001R0129E-N

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Staring over at the box, my body jumps in surprise, as I see a tanned hand raise up. I gulp nervously instantly standing up from the chair, completely forgetting about my food.

He's awake. And he is awake earlier than he should be.

I can't lie. I'm as nervous as fuck for this. What if I'm not good enough for him? I smack my own head for even thinking such a thought.

"Me not good enough for a damned Robot? What the actual fuck Levi." I mutter silently to myself.

Taking the tiniest step forward, I freeze in my place when what sounds like breathing could be heard. Ok this is kind of freaky, won't lie about that.

Remaining where I stood at the edge of the kitchen. My grey eyes stare at the box, when I jump back in surprise.

I watched in awe, as the younger male DOLL raised his upper body to sit up. His movements were flawless as his head hung backwards, eyes closed. Fully sitting up now, I watch in amazement as the DOLLS head raises up properly only to slump forward.

My eyes glanced to the manual I threw across the living room. Do I need to unplug him?

Can I walk over to it without drawing attention to myself? I go to take the smallest step, when I watch one of his perfectly tanned arms raise to the back of his neck. I can't stop my eyes from gazing at the slight muscles he has, as he flexes his arm. He grasped his plugin cable pulling it free from his neck. He then gently pushes down the opening, to hide the port at the back of his neck. His arm falls to his side as his head still hangs forward. He remained like that for some time, when his head slowly raised up.

I gulp nervously taking a tiny hesitated step forward.

This is so wrong. I should have never plugged him in. My eyes look to his left ear. I can turn him off with just one push of that button.

"Ah." I gasp softly watching him place his muscular tanned arms, on each side of the box and push himself to stand. His back is defined and well toned, while I couldn't stop my eyes from gazing down to his ass. "Holy Fucking Hell!" I mutter staring at him with wide eyes. He has the finest ass I have ever seen. He lifted up his right leg placing it over the box's ledge, soon followed by his left. Now standing on the carpet of my living room floor. I watched his head look from side to side, before he turned his body towards my direction.

"Fuck." I groaned silently, there he stood completely naked before my very eyes. Damn those two idiots for giving him such an amazing body. Raising my gaze from his lower self, I was unable to move as my gaze locked into those bright turquoise eyes of his.

"Levi." His voice was soft as he gazed at me. I watch a tiny smile appear on his soft looking lips.

"Uhh." I cough trying to keep my eyes on his face, and not to let them stray any lower on him. "You got a name Brat?"

"Name." Watching him cock his head to the side, he answered me instantly. "I am E001R0129E-N" His soft voice spoke out in a computerized style of sorts.

"That's a bit of a mouthful." I mumbled softly.

"Master does not like E001R0129E-N?"

"Whoa Brat! What's with the Master shit?"

"Would you prefer my name to be Brat? Master?"

My eyes went wide. "NO! Uhh, don't call me Master. It's creepy as fuck, call me Levi." I gaze at him unsure what to say or call him. "Uhh you said it was E00..."

"E001R0129E-N" He smiled at me, while blinking those breathtaking eyes of his.

"Hey. What are just the letters in your name?"

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