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Pink Angel~

You're Not Real
Written and Published 2017 / 2018

Edited 2020

Back in the year 2000. A young scientist new to the robotics field, created the world's first Dual Operating Logistics Life Server.

More commonly known to the world as DOLLS.

It didn't start out as much, just a robot made of electronics and computer parts. You needed to type on a keypad what you wished it to do, then it would do as you instructed.

For example, you would simply type in VACUUM. Then the robot would walk over, grab the vacuum and get to cleaning.

The world went crazy over this invention, and soon everyone wanted one for themselves. However the scientist at the time said, they weren't ready for the market quite just yet. Once some adjustments were made to their systems, then they would be up for sale to the public.

After a couple of years of improving his work, the DOLLS were soon placed in stores. It didn't take them long to fly off the shelves in only mere seconds. Basically humans soon realized that you weren't anyone, unless you owned a DOLL.

The original designer for the DOLLS, one day brought his young energetic daughter to his office. She loved computers and things you could build from them. She told her father that he should make them more like the barbie dolls in stores for sale, instead of just plain computer electronic parts.

This idea struck the scientist, and very soon he completely remodeled the DOLLS designs.

Now in the year of 2027.

Basically every second person you would walk past on the street, was not even human.

DOLLS nowadays, were almost impossible to tell them apart from true humans. They came in many customized human sizes, from short to tall. Both in male and female versions as well. They had a fiber coating that appeared to be like human skin, this covered up and concealed all of their mechanical skeletal structure. Their bodies ran on electricity, only needing to be plugged in nightly to make them rum throughout the day.

So how can you tell a DOLL, apart from a human? Well for one, just watch their movements. They are slightly more robotic, with their body gestures. Second listen to the way they speak. They talk more like a computer would, and if a word is not in their installed dictionary, they don't know what you mean.

These DOLLS also no longer need instructions to be typed into a keypad.

These updated robots understand human speech, and basically have a mind of their own in a way. Their first instinct however, is to follow any order their master tells them to do. That is their reason for existence after all. To serve and please the one who owns them. To humans nowadays, they see and treat their DOLLS as pets.

Some even go to the extreme of having their DOLLS partake in crimes, so the owners themselves don't get arrested or in trouble.

Then there are the other kind of humans who make their DOLLS into their ideal sex, turning their DOLLS into sex partners. If you ask me, that is completely sick.

The whole DOLLS idea in my mind, is both sick and twisted.

Personally I never saw the interest in them back at the beginning, and heck I still don't. I refuse to be one of those lazy ass people, who have a machine clean for them. For starters, they would never be able to clean to my standard. So why bother.

But it's more than that I guess in my mind.

It's the idea of basically owning a person, that freaks me out. They are so human like nowadays. That I see no difference from them to owning an actual human slave.

Now DOLLS I know where made to not seem like humans originally. But fuck do they ever now. They were now made to blend into society, to not stand out. Though there was one major flaw to the scientists' design.

These so called DOLLS may be able to think for themselves, and act on their own commands now. But they are not human. They are not real.

They don't feel emotions like humans do. They never get angry, they can't get scared. They feel zero pain, and can't bring themselves to cry. Now their faces may show signs of sadness or anger, or the tiniest hint of a smile. But that is all. They don't know the difference, as their emotions stay as blank as the computer that they are.

But as I said before, they are not real.

And never, I mean never, would I bend to society and purchase one of these fake computerized humans.

So this is where my story begins.

I was at home alone, like I am everyday. I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have a wife. But hey, I'm quite  ok with that. I don't need anyone in my life. I am perfectly happy just as I am, being alone.

But now?

Now I am standing in my living room, staring at the human sized box that just got dropped off. I argued with the delivery men to take it away, that I never actually purchased this. But all they did was shove the paper documents in my hand, that clearly had my name on them.

D.O.L.L.S # E001R0129E-N
Owner - Levi Ackerman

I now stand there alone in my home, staring at the wooden crate box that is stamped on the top.

Dual Operating Logistics Life Server.

How did this happen? I never purchased a Doll. I never requested one! So how the hell is there one, now taking up the majority of my tiny cramped living room floor. And why the hell does it have my name registered as the owner?


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