16. You're Real

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Nodding my head in agreement, leaning over I press the power button. Slowly I watch as he once more starts to breath, through the assist of his mechanical organs he now has. Watching as he let his eyelids flutter open, I smile instantly gazing into those eyes I truly love.

"Welcome back Eren." Leaning down I softly kiss his lips.

When I pull back, I see the cloudiness in his eyes. "Levi?"

"Yes, it's me." I help him sit up, as I gently push his shaggy brown hair from his face. "Let's get you dressed". I glance at Hanji Zoe, as she puts her equipment away. I won't lie, my heart is racing as I gaze at Eren now. He's real, not a DOLL. He is real.

"I feel funny, dizzy." Eren whispered weakly, after getting all his clothes back on.

"Oh that is just from being fully powered off. It will go away in a little bit." Hanji gives him a smile. However I see sadness in her eyes, knowing I will be taking Eren back home. She is his Aunt, his family, this hits me hard.

"I assume you would need him to come by, what? Once every couple months or so, for tests?" I suddenly asked, hoping she would catch on.

"What? No he..." I sent her a glare, and I watched a light turn on inside her eyes. "YES! I need to monitor him once every couple months." She sent me a smile in return. I mean, it's the least I can do for her. She gave me her nephew. Her only remaining family to me, to become my lover.

Though a thought suddenly crosses my mind. Does Eren love me for me? Or because he was programmed too? I glanced at Eren and got nervous. What if he got his memories back, and realized he never actually loved me? I don't think I would be able to handle that.

"Levi are we to go home now? Did you ask questions about me being well, me?"

I nod my head. "It is as we thought Eren, you are a new prototype of DOLLS to be released soon. For those who like me, hate how robotic DOLLS are." My heart pains telling him this, I hate lying to him, especially seeing him smile so brightly at me. I don't want to lie to him.

"Thank you for taking the time to run your tests on me Hanji." Eren smiles cutely at her, and I watch her drop what she is doing and runs to hug him.

"Stay safe Eren, please." She glanced at me for a moment. "Keep him safe." I nod my head. Like hell I would let anything happen to him anyways.

"Eren, it's time to leave."

"Ok Levi, bye Hanji!" He smiled and walked out the door. I went to follow Eren, when Hanji slipped something into my hand. Glancing down I see a small computer chip.

"What's this?"

"If you feel Eren can handle the truth, if you can't hide it from him. Inside his plug in port insert this with the other computer chips, it will remove the barricade I created and his memories will return."

I nod my head. "Thank you. I don't want to scare him, but I feel terrible lying to him." I whisper out quietly.

"I know he does deserve to know, and now when you feel its best, you can let him."

I know earlier we said it would be best if he didn't know. But knowing I have this choice now?" Thank you, for everything."

"Oh Levi, here.", she scribbled down a phone number. "My personal number, in case you need to contact me about anything to do with Eren."

"Levi what's taking so long?" Eren stuck his head back into the room, and I quickly shoved the computer chip inside my pocket with the phone number.

"Sorry Eren. I'm coming." I give a faint smile, and his eyes light up at this as I walk over and take his hand in mine. As we left the building where the DOLLS and Eren were created, Eren spoke up softly.

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