14. Tests and Questions

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Walking in silence, we follow Miss Zoe out from the reception entrance. Her boots clunked loudly against the polished tile floor. I glance over to see Hanji stop every couple seconds to stare at Eren. She would stop to ruffle his hair. Then she started to look into his ear. Then moments later when I looked at them I gasped out, as she had his mouth wide open and looking inside his mouth.

"Is this really called for?" I groaned out irritated.

"Ah Sorry! It's just been so long since I saw my baby boy! I missed him!" Her eyes landed on me. "I am guessing you are the short stack, that Farlan and Isabel requested him for."

"Shut your face, four eyes." I grumble.

"Oh, not very nice are you Mr Ackerman." The teasing tone in her voice rang out.

"Tch. Shitty Glasses..." I look away from her with a huff, only to hear Eren start laughing.

"You two are funny!" He smiled happily as he looked from his creator then back to me.

"THAT RIGHT THERE!" Stopping in my steps, my finger pointed towards Eren. "How the hell can he laugh? When DOLLS aren't supposed to!"

Hanji scratched the back of her neck, before pushing her glasses up her nose. "Yeah, I figured you would be bringing my baby E001R0129E-N by soon. I am glad you did however. I need to do diagnostic tests to make sure his, uhh well that he is, uh running smoothly."

"His name is Eren." I grumbled out. His DOLL name irritated me, I hated hearing it.

"THAT IS ADORABLE! You took out the numbers and created EREN!" Cringing at her overly loud voice, I merely shrug my shoulders in response to her. Is this truly the smart scientist, and new creator of the DOLLS? She is a fucking lunatic! "So, Mr Ackerman."

"Levi." I correct her curtly.

"Ok Levi. So besides his laughing, what else did you want to know about?."

I gaze at the rooms we pass within the building. One showed robotic skeletons and machines. "I want to know how you made a robot so human. He laughs, smiles. He can cry, he can even uhh well" I blush deeply. "He can do other humanly functions."

"When I make love to Levi, I can orgasm too!" Eren blurted out loudly, as I could feel my face burn on fire. I didn't want to not admit, that we have been having sex.

"EREN!" His name escaped my lips in a sharp loud gasp.

"What?" He cocked his head to the side glancing at me.

"Don't go around telling others that we have sex!"

"But we do Levi. You like when I make love to you!" Clearly he didn't understand how embarrassed I was about all of this.

"That's, I uhh well." All I could manage was to blush an even deeper shade of red.

"Awe, you two are perfect for one another." She looked from Eren then to me smiling. "And to be honestly, that answer isn't exactly an easy one to answer, but..." Her eyes glanced to Eren and I saw something flash within them. "Let me start my tests first, then we can talk about that!"

I nod my head, and follow her through a door that leads down a hallway and into another room. "So is this where you create them?" I asked gazing around at the equipment the room held.

"Mm this is where I do the finishing touches, and install the programs and computer chips. Then it's off to the warehouse for shipping. Eren I will need you to remove your pants and shirt please. Levi please feel free to stay and watch."

"I wouldn't have left, even if you told me too." I grumbled crossing my arms. Like hell I would leave Eren alone here.

"Uhh Hanji, exactly what will you be testing me for?" I could clearly hear panic in Eren's voice. Instantly I walked over to him, and took the shirt that was now in his hands and folded it neatly placing it on a chair. Watching as he removed his shoes and pants next, I too folded them as well and neatly placed them aside.

"Don't worry Eren. I just want to make sure all your circuits and wiring are fine, that nothing is coming loose. It wont take overly too long to check, please..." She motioned him towards the medical table like bed, as she walked over to her white lab coat pulling it on her form.

Eren stopped to look at me, and I smiled at him softly. "Do as she asks Eren. Lay down."

"Ok." He whispered quietly, moving to sit on the bed before lowering his body down.

Moving over to stand next to him, I see fear in his turquoise eyes, as I quickly take his hand in mine. "Just simple little tests Eren, nothing to fear." Looking over I see Hanji getting out some equipment and tools. "So how did you make him so human?" I question her once more.

"In due time." She whispers as she wheels a little cart over to the bedside, and smiles at Eren. "Eren baby, to run my tests I need to fully power you down."

Something in my heart jumped hearing this as I panicked. "What will powering him down do? He won't forget anything will he?" I asked, fear evident in my voice. "I don't want him to forget me."

"Oh no! Nothing that drastic. It will be just like when he powers down to charge, just he won't be able to wake himself up like he does when plugged in. He won't lose any memories he has created with you, don't worry there."

I nod my head and sigh out. "Ok then, do it." I quickly leaned down and kissed Eren's soft lips. "See you soon." I smile at him, and he nods his head smiling back.

Hanji walked over and pressed the button behind his ear, as I watched Eren's eyes drift shut as his breathing soon also stopped.

To be honest, it's scary as shit watching him lying before me not breathing. He looks dead, and I hate it.

"Get your tests done, so we can get the answers to our questions."

"I can't answer them..."

"WHAT!" I snap suddenly, cutting her off mid sentence.

"Please calm down, and let me finish. I can't answer them in front of Eren." She opened a hidden hatch in Eren's arm as she spoke, as I saw the mechanics inside. She does things with tools, before closing it and going to another and repeating the process.

"Why can't you answer them in front of Eren?"

"Because, it will hurt him. Levi I didn't lie when I said over the phone, that Eren is my greatest creation. He is my baby, he means more to me then any other DOLL combined."

I stared at her in confusion. "Then why give him to me if he means so much to you?"

"Because he needed to get out of here. He needed a life, and you can give him that."

My eyes fall upon the DOLL that has captured my heart. "What exactly makes Eren so special, apart from the others?"

"The way he has emotions. He can feel sadness, anger, pain, happiness, even love." She whispers out.

"I know that already, but how can he? He isn't real!"

Hanji stopped what she was doing suddenly and looked up at me through her glasses. "He is more real than any of us."


"E001R0129E-N, Eren. He, well he isn't a robot..." Blinking my grey eyes in confusion as to what she is saying, I merely just stare at her.

"Of course he is! You just saw the robotic mechanics in his body for yourself." My heart sped up as my mind went blank, with what she had to say next.

"Levi, this is what makes Eren my greatest creation. Why he feels and acts the way he does. Eren is not a robot, he is human."


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