4. Manual

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Fully ashamed of myself, I pull back up my pants and zip them up. Now sitting on my bed after washing up, groaning I fall backwards now staring up at my bedroom ceiling.

"Why was he made specially for me?"

"I got fucking hard and turned on, just from gazing at his beautiful face and naked body!" Sitting back up, my hands push my black hair away from my eyes. "Shit! No Levi .NO!" Gasping out as my eyes caught the sight of my clock, showing me it was already around three thirty in the afternoon.

My eyes open wide, as realization hit me hard. "I have been jerking myself off for over an hour!" I grip my black hair in my hands frustrated with myself. "Shit, no, no. NO! He is a fucking DOLL! He is a machine! He isn't even real!" But those beautiful turquoise eyes of his re-enter my mind. "FUCK!" Jumping up from my bed. I shake my hands in front of myself and walk from my room to make some more tea, in order to try and calm myself down.

As I walk past the living room, my eyes land on that damned box containing the gorgeous naked young man. I hiss at my inner thoughts, as I walk over to boil some fresh water. As I sit and wait for the water to boil, my eyes landed on the cable that is plugged in.

"I should just unplug him and never open this box again." But I know it is too late for that now. After having seen his beautiful features and those amazing eyes, I need to see them again.

The kettle boiling distracts me, as I place a tea bag into my cup and pour the boiling water into it. My eyes continuously flicker back to the box, while I stir my cup with a spoon and remove the tea bag. Walking into the living room I place my tea cup down on the coffee table, sitting myself down onto the couch as I pick up the damned DOLLS manual.

"Guess there is no harm in knowing how to operate him." I mumble, trying to convince myself.

My eyes glance quickly to the box once more, then back to the manual in my hands.

How Your Very Own DOLL Operates
It's pretty straightforward. Once your DOLL is fully charged, he or she will remain fully functional until his or her charge runs out.

Of course when this happens you simply just recharge them.

However if the owner wishes to shut them down while charged, you only need to push the power button behind their left ear.

"Ok so that is pretty straight forward." I mumble as I reach for my cup of tea and take a sip. Placing it back down I flipped the page in the manual, as I continue to read.

Caring For Your DOLL
Does your DOLL need to eat or drink to survive?

No. Your DOLL is made up of machines, and the charging of your DOLL each night is what keeps them running.

Does My DOLL Show Emotions?
No. Your DOLL is not Human. They may smile now or then, but that is it. They may also show slight signs of anger or sadness in their eyes, but nothing more than that. These small signs mean nothing to them however, as their emotions always stay neutral.

"Such a harsh life." Muttering to myself, I flip the page and take another sip of my black tea.

Will My DOLL Experience Pain?
No. Your DOLL is not Human.

I flip the page once again. Damn this is boring, I already knew all this.

What is expected of my DOLL?
Well it is different for each owner. As they tell their DOLL what is expected. However there is one rule every DOLL follows no matter what. They will always obey their master, no matter what is asked. And if given the choice, they will take their own lives to protect the one they serve."

I slam the manual shut and throw it across the room. "That is so wrong." I whisper feeling ready to gag. My grey eyes glance to the box that contains the still naked young man.

"If I were to order you to forget about me, and live your own life could you?" I whisper out curiously. "Or does that go against your whole, obeying and serving your master shit?" I groan out. "This shit is so fucked up!"

Running my hands throughout my perfectly smoothed black hair I sigh heavily.

"Why the fuck? Why did you buy me this, this thing!" I scream out looking at the ceiling. "Farlan, Isabel, why? I was fine on my own. Why are you causing me so much torment with him!" My eyes look to the damned box, and I stand from the couch and walk over to it. Gazing down at his still non moving naked form, as I studied his facial features. "Why did you ask them, to make him so damned fucking beautiful?"


Hours have passed as I was making myself dinner. Standing in the kitchen cooking, my eyes kept on glancing to the living room every other second. His five hours of charging are almost up. What do I expect to happen when seven o'clock comes around? Does he just wake up and start obeying me? Or do I need to restart him?

"Why the fuck do I even care!" I slightly curse out. My grey eyes go back to my cooking, as I stir the food in the pot. But I can't stop them from glancing at that damned stupid box. "I need to move that fucking box out of here." I grumble irritated with it.

It literally is taking up all my free space in my small cramped apartment. I Wish I could afford a bigger place than this shitty apartment, but I can't. So I deal with what I got. Hey it's better than living on the streets at least.

As my food finishes cooking, I plate it up and turn to shut the stove off. Not having much in my place at the moment for dinner, I opted out to boiling up some pasta with tomato sauce on it. But whatever, It's edible food at least. Sitting at my tiny kitchen table eating my food, my fork fell from my hand onto my plate when a sudden sound startled me. My head instantly snapped to glance at the clock seeing it was only just a couple minutes after six thirty. He shouldn't be active for another twenty odd minutes at least.

Staring over at the box, my body jumps in surprise, as I see a tanned hand raise up. I gulp nervously instantly standing up from the chair, completely forgetting about my food.

He's awake. And he is awake earlier than he should be.


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