2. That Damn Box

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It has been one whole week now, since that damn box has been delivered to my apartment. Standing in my kitchen as I make myself some tea, my grey eyes glance to the small living room.

In the very same spot since it was delivered, was that damned box still. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it. Instead I have just left it where it is, glaring at it from across my small shitty apartment. Because that will totally solve all my problems. Right?

Letting out a sigh, I run my hand through my black layer of hair. The bottom portion is shaved in an undercut and I must say, not many people can rock this military style, but damn I can.

Though I am growing irritated. A damned week past already, with me having to glare at that damned box. I want it gone. I don't even want to see what is inside it. I have contacted the delivery company, but got nowhere with them. They said there is nothing they can do, since my name and address was on the box.

"Perfect, just fucking shitty perfect." I groan out, pouring my tea into a cup. Lifting it up with my fingers grasping the edges of the cup, I raise it to my lips. Taking a sip and finding myself momentarily relaxing, from the hot calming liquid. That was until my eyes landed on that damned box once more.

I send a death glare to my phone, practically begging for it to ring. I have tried to contact the damned DOLLS maker for the past week. I want to know why this fucking shitty box was sent to me in the damned first place.

I don't care for the DOLLS. I don't want to fucking own one.

My eyes once again, land upon the fucking damned box. I picture it containing a young girl inside, and this alone makes me groan in frustration.

"I so do not want that, everyone would think I bought her for sex." In my anger, I naturally  glare at the box again. "I just want you gone!" My voice hissed out.

My body jumped suddenly, almost spilling the cup of tea that was held in my hand. Staring to what made me jump, suddenly realizing my phone was ringing.

Practically dropping the tea cup, I dived for my cell phone. No joke.

"Hello!" I speak a little louder than intended.

"Hello is this Mr Ackerman?" a girl's voice asked through the phone.

"Yes, Levi Ackerman speaking."

"Ah good!" The voice sounded excited. "I'm Hanji Zoe! I've heard you have been trying to contact me these past couple of days. Sorry I was super crazy busy!"

My mind went blank. The one responsible for sending me this shitty box, was a girl?

"Uh, you're in charge of shipping the DOLLS out?" I asked unsure.

"No Silly! I create them! I took over for my father you see."

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU SEND ME A DOLL, THAT I NEVER BOUGHT!" My anger bursts from myself before I could even ask the damn question calmly.

"Dear me, did you not receive the letter?"

"L-letter?" Stuttering out, I blinked my grey eyes.

"Inside the box Mr Ackerman, it explains everything! I have to go now! Please enjoy him! He is my finest DOLL yet to be created!" And just like that she hung up.

Blinking several times the phone still pressed to my ear. I just didn't know what to think at the moment.

"Letter?" My eyes suddenly went wide. She said enjoy HIM?

My grey eyes once again land on that fucking box. Placing my phone down, I take a shaky step towards my living room.

I won't lie, I am freaked out. The fucking box is bigger than myself. Heck it looks like a freaking coffin, then again that's basically what it is right? I mean there is a life sized robot inside there.

For the first time since it arrived in a week, I allow my hand to place down upon the box.

"Who would send you to me?" I whisper. I never wanted a damned DOLL never. So why?

"I am happy being alone. I don't need a robot."

But the idea of a letter left for me inside this box, was driving me mad with curiosity.

"Calm down Levi. Remember, curiosity killed the damned fucking cat." I grumble under my breath.

Also knowing the fact that I won't be met with a girl in the box, interests me more. I never wanted people to think I bought a DOLL for sex. Besides, I lean towards guys anyways. I am not ashamed of my interest in sexuality. Girls just never have been able to turn me on, not like a guy can.

"Inside this shitty box." I take a deep gulp.

"Please enjoy him! He is my finest DOLL yet to be created!"

My grey eyes stared at the box. Looking around my apartment suddenly, I was looking for something, anything.

My eyes landed on the fireplace. I run over, grabbing the metal prodding stick for the wood and flames. Turning back to face the box, I let out a deep shaky breath.

"Ok, I just need to know what that damned letter says."

Walking over, I wedged the metal fire stick in between the wood lid and the body of the box. Nervously and slightly afraid of what is inside, I pry the lid opened and off the damned wooden box.

Dropping the metal rod to the ground, with both hands I push the lid completely free from the box. My heart pounds madly, as I find another box within the wooden shipping crate.

However my eyes land upon the envelope. Which was taped to the top of the smooth black lid, that the wooden crate contained.

Levi Ackerman

I knew that handwriting.

Reaching out I slowly and hesitantly picked it up. With shaking hands, slowly I ripped the envelope open and removed the folded piece of paper. Unfolding it carefully, I already could feel the tears forming in my eyes.


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