12. Shopping Jealousy

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Waking up the next morning, I roll over in my bed to find Eren missing. Sitting up, my face instantly blushes faintly as I was still naked. Memories of last night float through my mind.

"I fell in love with a DOLL." I muttered in an embarrassed tone. I recall his kisses, and my fingers raise to my lips. "Where is he?" I mutter, as I want nothing more than a good morning kiss from him. I walk to my dresser and pull out some boxers and sweatpants. I pull on a long sleeved white shirt over my head, and leave my small bedroom with my bare feet walking across the carpet.

"Eren?" I stopped when I saw him sitting on the couch, dressed back into the clothes I gave him yesterday. My eyes landed instantly on the back of his neck, where his plug in cable was connected to him. Walking over to him, to gaze at his sleeping face I find myself whispering the question to myself. "Do you dream?" Reaching out a hand, I quickly unplug him and close the plug in port. The moment I do this, his beautiful turquoise eyes open up once more.

"Morning Eren." I smile and softly kiss his lips.

I chuckle softly, as I pull away and watch him blink his eyes trying to clear his mind. "Levi. Morning, did you sleep well?"

I can't help but blush. "You tired me out last night, I slept amazing." I watch a handsome smile appear on his lips.

"Shall I make my lover breakfast?"

"Oh, you don't need to." I smile at him.

"But I want to." He grins at me, before standing up stretching out his body. I watch him walk to the kitchen, and I groan out seeing my small clothes on his body.

"Eren, we are taking you shopping today. We need to get you some clothes that actually fit your sexy body." I mumble as I start to brew tea as he cooks for me.

"Levi, how will you tell others who I am?" I watch him tense up a bit, and I bite my lower lip. "Will you say I am just a DOLL you got, your lover? Both?"

I groan out at this. I never wanted a DOLL, let alone a relationship with one. "There won't be any hiding that you are a DOLL Eren, and I refuse to hide that we are together."

"So you won't hide me away from others?" I watch a small happy smile appear on his lips as he cooks at the stove top.

"No. I won't hide you away. Why hide my feelings? Many have DOLLS as companions. I just never imagined myself too." I laughed faintly as I took a deep breath. "Eren that smells amazing, and I don't even own that much food."

I watch him shrug before he plates up an omelette for me. "I am programmed to cook. I don't eat food, but I can cook it. It's weird, I should have to do a taste test, but guess all DOLLS are like this. Eat before it cold Levi, then you can take me shopping."

I nod my head and sit down with my cup of brewed tea. "Hmm, I don't have that much money for spending. We will have to go to a lower market department store or something." I mutter shyly.

"That's fine. I don't need anything fancy, just clothes that fit." I throw a playful glare to him, as he laughs joyfully. I shake my head and take a bite of the omelette, and moan out softly. "Is it good?"

"Not good." I shake my head in shock. "It's delicious!" I smile eating more hungrily. I glance up at Eren, and see him cleaning up as he smiles. "I mean that, and you even flipped the egg perfectly in half. Whenever I attempt that, it turns into scrambled eggs." I whisper out laughing softly.

I hear a soft chuckle and this makes my heart skip a beat. I turn to look at Eren once more. How, how can he be so human? He is a robot, he was plugged in just this morning. I go back to finishing my food trying to calm my racing thoughts. First things first. We will get him some clothes, and then I will contact his maker. I will contact the scientist Hanji Zoe.

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