3. Letter

671 40 51

Levi Ackerman

I knew that handwriting.

Reaching out I slowly and hesitantly picked it up. With shaking hands, slowly I ripped the envelope open and removed the folded piece of paper. Unfolding it carefully, I already could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

Hey Levi,

Sorry we can't make it home. Me and Isabel both know we won't make it back this time.

It pains me to write this. After all the shit we went through together, as kids to becoming adults. I regret more than anything doing this without you, so does Isabel.

We both realized without us in your life, you will always be alone. We both know how you are. So we both decided together, to buy you this DOLL.

Yeah, yeah I know. You're probably pissed as can be with us over this. We both know your hatred and view on the DOLLS. But Isabel and myself, wish to know you have someone in your life with you.

Sure it's a machine, but it's better than having no one around.

Levi please, open your heart to him. Let him in, just like you did for me and Isabel.

Levi we both love you and miss you. Forgive us for failing to keep our promise. I can only just pray this letter reaches you safely.

We love you Levi. Never forget us.

Do not send the DOLL back! We had him made specifically just for you, and no one else.

Love always, Farlan & Isabel

The letter slipped from my grasp, floating to the living room floor. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, as I wiped them away quickly. Taking a deep calming breath, I turn my cold gaze towards the box.

"Those shitty idiots." Whispering to myself. "They know I hate DOLLS, yet..." Taking a step towards the black smooth box, my heart was pounding in my chest. "Were they this afraid of me being alone? I am fine with being alone. I was alone before meeting them."

My breathing hitched in my chest at the memories. Closing my eyes, my hands moved to rest on top of the smooth black box. After meeting those two idiots, I was happy to no longer be alone. But now that they are gone.

Opening my eyes I once again stared at the smooth black box beneath my hands.

"So, you shitty DOLL. Guess I own you now, huh?" Laughing to myself at the pure irony of the state, I currently find myself in, I shake my head.

"To own a robot. I never wanted this." My hands clench into a fists, as I slam them onto the smooth box. "Damn them!"

My eyes closed once again, taking yet another deep breath. Slowly opening them my eyes, I gazed upon the smooth box. "Just because they bought you for me, doesn't mean I ever have to turn you on. I never have to open this box."

I take a step back from the box, but my heart pains. "Fuck I can't! That would be like betraying their last request." Stepping back up to the damned box, my hands grip the edges of the lid.

"This is for you Farlan and Isabel, you shitty idiots."

With one quick motion, I pulled the lid up and let the lid fall to the ground.

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