6. Programs?

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"Brat stop staring at me!" Grumbling out annoyed by his constant gaze on me, as I tried to finish eating my dinner. His damn stare is making me far too nervous.

"Sorry Levi." He smiled and gazed around the apartment. His eyes landed on his box, my own gaze followed his.

"We need to move that, it is taking up my entire living room." I once more send the damned box another glare.

I watch Eren merely nod his head, walking up to it. "Where would Levi like it?"

"Honestly nowhere. It's too damned big, and it freaks me out." I watched Eren cock his head as he looked to me. "It's like there is a coffin in my apartment."

I watch Eren smile and laugh. I am so confused, since when can DOLLS laugh? "Then I shall take it outside and throw it away?" He looked to me for approval.

"Uhh, yeah." Shit this damned doll has a truly beautiful laugh. The way his whole face and turquoise eyes light up like that, I groan at my inner thoughts. "There is a dumpster in the basement." I speak out, trying to distract my mind.

Watching Eren nod his head, he easily picked up the human sized box that took two bulky delivery men to drop off. My eyes watched as the muscles flexed in his body. My eyes looked back to my plate of food.

"No, no. Fuck No!" I curse under my breath as my eyes once again raise, only to watch Eren as he exits the main door. He made carrying that giant box look as light as a feather.

Deciding to make some tea to calm my nerves, I wait for the water to boil. Walking into the now empty living room, you can clearly still see where the box had been laying on the carpet from the huge rectangular indent it made.

My eyes land on the manual that I threw across the room earlier. Walking over to it, I bent down and picked it up in my hands. The boiling water tears my thoughts away from the book. I place it on the coffee table, and grab a fresh cup for pouring the hot water into it with a tea bag. Picking it up I walk over and sit down once more on the couch, grabbing the damned manual again. Opening it to where I last left off, I continued flipping through the pages.

How Do I Program My DOLL?
Programming your DOLL is fairly simple. There are Programs for sale that you can purchase ,and have installed into them.

Once the program is bought and installed, you can update your DOLL by powering Him or Her off. You need to wait a couple of hours, then power them back up.

Most DOLLS come with standard programs already in their hard drives. Though wishing for more Programs, all you need is to buy and upgrade your DOLL.

"So sick." Muttering to myself, I grasp the cup with my fingers and sip my tea. "They don't even get to pick their own life, just whatever their owner wants of them." I think back to the branding on his foot, and almost gag. "That is sick."

I jump hearing the front door open, turning in my spot on the couch, only to see Eren smile at me. "Did you miss me Levi?" He smiled happily and walked over to sit next to me. His beautiful ocean eyes looked at the manual in my hand.

"I uhh."

"You don't have to read that. I can answer all your questions for you." He smiles softly. "What would you like to know?"

Staring at him, I get taken with his handsome features. His perfectly tanned skin. His chocolate brown hair, those gorgeous eyes of his. I could gaze into them forever.

"Levi?" Eren asks as he watches me stare at him silently. "Do I please you?"

"Very much so." My eyes grow wide realizing what I just said.

Eren grinned however hearing my words. "Then let me pleasure you."

"NO!" I hold my hands out to stop him from moving closer. "I told you already, enough of the pleasuring me crap." My mind goes back to what he said earlier. "You said you were instructed to?"

"Yes Levi. I was sent here to you, to pleasure you."

My face burns a bright red. I think back to what I just read in the manual. "What programs do you have installed in you?"

"Programs?" I watch him cock his head in confusion. "What do you mean by programs?" I stare at him in confusion. "I was designed just for Levi."

I open the manual to the page of programs, and show it to him. "What programs?"

Eren remained silent as he stared at the manual. His face grew sad, it looked like his eyes were almost glistening. But that would clearly be impossible for a DOLL, I must be seeing things.

"Brat?" I ask quietly. "What's wrong?"

"I have the standard programs. Cleaning, Cooking. But I have been made specially for you."

"You keep saying that. But what do you mean, made specially for me?" I ask in confusion.

Eren looked into my eyes. "I was created to be your perfect lover. From my looks down to my personality."

My mind suddenly drifted off, while I gazed at his features.


"Levi if you could describe your perfect lover, what would he be like?" Farlan asked me one day out of the blue.

"Oh do tell us!" Isabel grinned dying to also know.

I felt my face burn red. These two know I am gay, however they both didn't care. "My perfect lover huh?" I stopped to think about it. "Well, maybe a guy who is younger than me and slightly taller in height? Not by much though, just by a couple of inches. He would have to have tanned perfect skin, brown hair that is slightly shaggy." I smiled as I thought about this. "I would want him strong, but not overly crazy with the muscles. Then his eyes, I would want them to be as beautiful as the ocean itself."


I stared at Eren. "Those fucking idiots!" I cursed out loud. "They fucking tricked me into telling them! They have been planning this since then!"


"So what would you want him to act like?" Isabel smiled sweetly at me.

Looking at her and I smiled faintly. "I would want him to be kind and caring. Someone who when he laughs, his whole face would light up. When he smiles at me, it would make my heart skip a beat. I want him to be friendly and always happy."

Farlan grinned madly, "And how about in the bedroom?"

I blush deeper. "I want a guy who will take control." I muttered embarrassed. "Not forceful, but enough to dominate me. I want him to seem innocent from being younger than myself, but turns around and will make me his."

Isabel chuckled happily hearing all of this. "Never thought you would want to be the bottom in a relationship, not with your snarky attitude."

"Shut up you Brat."


My face burned a deep red as I stared at Eren. If those Shitty Brats made him look just as I described. Then did they also design him how I wanted a dominating lover?

Looking down at my hands, I never noticed how Eren moved closer to me. Raising my face, I blush deeply having his face right before mine.

"Levi." He whispered deeply, leaning in close enough so I could feel his hot breath on my face sending shivers down my spine.


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