13. His Creator?

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"No you listen here! Let me speak with her!" I shout over the phone. "I don't care if she said not to disturb her! No! Don't you tell me not to shout, I..."

I glared at Eren, as he grasped the phone from my hands and started to speak into it. I have been calling for days, and I finally got through and the stupid receptionist refuses to let me speak with Hanji Zoe.

"Oh, thank you! Goodbye!"

"EREN NO!" I shout out as he hangs up my phone, ending the call and I groan out. "It took me days to get through to a human on the other end of that phone, now I have to start again!" I mumble as I take my phone back and start to dial.

"But Levi."

"Don't you, but Levi me." I growled, and started to sigh as I face away from Eren. However my body jumped, feeling his hands run up my sides as he kissed my neck.

"Babe, there is no need." He chuckles as he once more takes my phone, and hangs it up placing it down. I go to protest, when he places a finger over my lips to silence me. "We have a meeting with Hanji tomorrow, at three in the afternoon."

My eyes blinked as I looked up over my shoulder at him. "I want to know more about me too, and tomorrow our answers will be known. I watch the other DOLLS we pass on the street, the ones that work in the shops. They are so robotic, so why am I not?"

"Apparently you are her finest creation so far." I mumble out. "But the fact you can cry, how you can orgasm when we make love. How you show so much emotion. My guess is you are a prototype to a new line up of DOLLS, but I don't know."

"A robot made to be even more human and realistic than ever." Eren breathed heavily against my ear, as he held me from behind. "You're probably right, but I'm curious how she did it." Eren whispers still kissing my neck, as he sucks on it gently.

"Mmm, that is the mystery." I moan out melting into his touch like always. Whenever he holds me, or just kisses me, I lose myself into him. He truly is my perfect lover.


Standing on the subway I sighed. I hate public transportation. It's so cringe worthy and grimy. My hand holding onto the hand held, already feels sticky and gross.

"Tch. Disgusting."

I whisper as Eren stands next to me. His turquoise eyes gazing around, in complete wonder and curiosity at each new thing he sees. I had him dress a little nicer today. Black slacks, a dark purple button up shirt. Damn does deep purple look great with his tan skin. He glances at me, sending me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat within my chest. I look down blushing as I stare at my black shoes, and pants. I wore a random shirt, with a nice knit sweater over top. I pull the sleeves a little further down, so they cover half of my hands as I sigh yet again.

What was I hoping to get out of today? I honestly don't know. I had Eren, given to me without knowing anything about him. I don't even know all what he is programmed for. There was nothing to tell me, except him saying he has the usual cleaning and cooking programs. But I guess the main thing I want to know is how she made him so human. That is what's so mind boggling about him.

"Levi this is our stop right?"

Eren takes my hand in his, and I glance up to see the stop they are announcing and I nod my head. "Yeah, and about time. I can feel the germs spreading on my hand and body." I mumble as we wait for the subway to come to a stop, and we step out along with others.

"Stay close Eren." I whisper as we link our fingers together. I would hate to lose him in a place like this.

"How far of a walk is it to her office?" Eren glances around as we walk up the stairs to the streets. I have to momentarily cover my eyes with my free hand, shading them from the bright sun. I blink letting my eyes adjust to the brightness, after being underground on the subway for about two hours.

"I think we will need to catch a taxi, it may be a bit of a walk. I'm not entirely sure though. I don't come here often." I whisper as I gaze around us. I spot a taxi and whistle waving him down. He pulls over for us, and I tell Eren to climb in the back and I slide in beside him.

"Sup dudes. The name is Springer, Connie Springer. Where can I take you today?"

"We need to get to the DOLLS Manufacturing building before uhh..." I glance at my watch as I see it's already just after two thirty. "Shit, we need to be there in twenty minutes. Is it far?"

The driver named Connie waved his hands nonchalantly. "About a forty five minute drive in traffic but, I can get you there in fifteen tops!" He grinned.

I gulp in panic and turn to buckle Eren's seat belt making sure it was tight, before doing the same to my own. Connie slammed his foot on the gas, and we nearly almost hit another car just pulling back onto the street. My face pales and I grip the seat tightly.

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD! YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN US KILLED!" I screamed out, as I threw the money at him and grasped Eren's hand, dragging him towards the huge building before us. "I have seen crazy drivers, but NOTHING like THAT before."

"It was fun!" Eren smiles happily as he gazes at the building. "Levi." He paused in his step for a moment. "This is where I was made." He whispers softly.

"Guess so, welcome home Eren." I laugh and he chuckles as we enter the huge white building that read D.O.L.L.S.

Moments after entering the building I couldn't help but gasp. It isn't anything like I expected. It had shiny black tiled floors. Clean cream walls. We spot a huge receptionist desk, above on the wall reads.

Dual Operating Logistics Life Server - Reception

"Hello! Welcome to DOLLS!" The small girl sitting there, lets her head fall to the side in greeting us. Her bright blue eyes shine in the fluorescent lights, as her long blonde hair falls over her shoulders. You can see her give the tiniest smile, as she blinks and straightens up.

"Typical, the receptionist is a DOLL." I sigh.

"How may I help you today Sirs?"

"Ackerman, Levi. We have a three o'clock meeting with Miss Zoe."

She nods her head, and has to fill out the name badges. She wrote 'Levi Ackerman' on mine, and looked to Eren. "His name is Eren." I spoke for her to write his badge.

"Sorry. I need his real name." She looked into his eyes. I go to question her, unsure what she meant when Eren replies instantly.


She nods and fills it out on his name badge, before we take them wrapping the lanyards around our necks.

"Please have a seat." She motions to the chairs.

"Thanks." I say and walk to the chairs. Hanging on the walls were pictures. I glance at them and they look to be in a timeline order. The first showed a young male scientist, with the first ever skeletal like DOLL he ever created. A name plaque reads 'Our Founder'. Next is photos of the scientist again a little older and with a tiny girl next to him, and a DOLL with the humanized skin. There are more of the Father and Daughter, until at the end is a photo of something that made me speechless. I blinked my eyes, unsure if what I was seeing was real.

"Eren, look it's you."


Eren walked over, and he gazed at the photo with me. There stands Eren and the same girl fully grown. "Is this Zoe?"

"Yes, that's Hanji. I don't remember taking this photo though." He mumbles before loud footsteps could be heard.


Spinning around we are met with the creator, running straight towards Eren and throwing her arms around him as he stands there shocked still.



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