Chapter 2

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Draco and I are sitting in the back corner of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom waiting for the new teacher. Draco told me that they get a new teacher for it every year, that the position is basically cursed.

"Good morning students." The lady in all pink from last night said coming out of her office. What did she say her name was, Umbitch?

Just as she was about to continue the door burst open causing all of us to turn and look. Harry came in but stopped when he saw everyone staring at him.

"Sorry professor." He said.

"Five points from Gryffindor for coming in late" She states. "Now sit-down Mr. Potter." Harry walks past us to go sit down next to Ron and Hermione.

"As I was going to say before Mr. Potter interrupted. Your education in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented. With the constant change of teachers, many who did not follow any Ministry approved curriculum, has resulted in you all being far below the standards we would expect to see in your OWL year." She explained as books landed on our desks.

"So put your wands away for you will not be needing them in this class." She stated which caused everyone to start whispering to each other.

"So, you're saying we won't be practicing or using any defensive spells?" I asked which resulted in her kind of glaring at me.

"Why would you need to?" She asked. "Who would attack children like you?"

"Perhaps Lord Voldemort." Harry chimed in causing most of the class to flinch at the name.

"Let me make things clear for you all. You have been told that a certain dark wizard has returned, this is a lie." She plainly states.

"IT IS NOT A LIE." Harry yells standing up. "Are you saying that Cedric Diggory just dropped dead?"

"Detention Mr. Potter." Umbridge declares. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"I think you're the liar." I said simply.

"What was that Ms. Snape?" She asked, coming closer to Draco's and I's desk.

"Haley don't." Draco whispered trying to keep me quiet.

Umbridge smirked at me "That's what I thought." She said turning around. I looked at Harry who was looking back at me.

"You're the liar." I said louder this time while standing up.

"Haley" Draco hissed grabbing my wrist, but I shrugged him off. Umbridge quickly turned around.

"How would you know Ms. Snape? You weren't there last year."

"Neither were you, but my father was and told me what happened. And I believe him, as well as Professor Dumbledore and Harry." I stood up to her.

"Just because your father is a professor here does not mean you get to speak out of turn. You are nothing but a student Ms. Snape. You will be joining Mr. Potter in detention later. Now sit down." She said turning around.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful except for potions class when Severus dragged me aside to lecture me about getting detention. I am now with Harry going to Umbridge's office. We both kept quiet until Harry stopped me just outside the DADA classroom. I noticed again that my scar kind of burned when he touched me and I'm sure he noticed it too, since he quickly pulled away.

"I wanted to say thank you for defending me to Umbridge today. You really didn't have to do that you know." He said not exactly looking at me.

"It was nothing, if you haven't figured it out by now I don't really like Umbitch." I said making Harry laugh. "Come on, let's get this over with."

We both went in and went up to the office to see two desks placed in front of hers. She motioned for us to both sit down.

"You two will be writing lines for me today." We moved to get what we needed out of our bags before she had stopped us.

"You will be using my quills today." She said handing us both a quill and parchment. "Don't worry, you won't be needing any ink."

I looked over at Harry to see he was just as confused as me.

"Harry, you will write 'I will not tell lies' and Haley, you will write 'I am nothing' until I tell you both to stop." She told us.

I started writing but I noticed it was writing in blood red. I started having a stinging sensation on my left hand not long after.

I looked at my hand to see "I am nothing" carved into my skin. I heard a hiss next to me and saw the same thing for Harry. He looked at me, then my hand and I noticed mine started to heal and then so did his. We looked at each other in disbelief.

"Is there a problem you two?" Umbridge asked us but we both just shook our heads no.

We both started writing again and I could hear Harry hissing each time her wrote. Umbridge seemed satisfied with Harry's reaction but displeased with me. After a few more minutes of writing the pain finally became too strong for me that I let out a staggered breath. I noticed both our hands were no longer healing.

"Okay" she said causing us both to stop and sigh in relief. "Harry you may be done." She said then looked at me. "Haley, it does not seem like your message has sunken deep enough. You are to stay and write a few more lines." She said smirking kind of evilly.

Harry stood up a bit shaky before grabbing his stuff. He gave me a quick smile and a nod before leaving. Umbridge then looked at me again smiling.

"Go on, keep writing dear." She told me.

I started writing again but this time it hurt a lot worse. I had tears threatening to be released but I refused to let them go not wanting to satisfy her with my pain. After thirteen more lines I finally couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

"You may stop now." Umbridge said. "Now remember that you are nothing but a student and we won't have to do this again."

I nodded my head, standing up and grabbing my stuff to leave. As I walked out of the DADA classroom I saw Harry waiting for me. He looks up at me then down to my left hand. I looked down to it and saw it was pretty bloody from how deep the words were etched into my skin.

"Umbitch really doesn't like me." I told him to make him laugh which worked.

"I can help wrap your hand if you want." He stated.

"No, its fine. I'll wrap it up in my dorm before I meet Draco in our common room." I tell him but his face dropped when I brought up Draco.

"Why are you still hanging around Malfoy?"

"Why do you care?" I asked frustrated. "We aren't friends. You and your other Gryffindor friends don't like us Slytherins. So why does it matter?"

"I don't know." He blurted out but sighed to calm down. "There's just something about you that makes me want to help and protect you."

"I understand." I said, causing him to quickly look up at me. "It's the same reason I defended you this morning and got myself detention too."

"Why is that?" he asked still confused.

"It's complicated." I said. "Look, if you wanna be friends we can. But you can't get pissed at me for being friends with Draco okay?"

He was taking forever to answer me, so I just took that as he doesn't want to be friends.

"Okay, I understand. You don't want to be friends with someone who is friends with Draco. Just leave me alone from now on." I said walking away to go to my dorm.

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