Chapter 32

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"So tell me Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn asked a boy who sat across the table from me.

Blaise and I are currently attending one of Slughorn's dinner parties. We haven't really been paying attention unless specifically asked something. I also don't really know most of the other members. Besides Blaise, the other two I know are Harry and Hermione.

"Potter keeps looking at you." Blaise whispered in my ear.

I looked at him then turned to Harry who was in fact looking at me. I made a face at him and he laughed before turning back to the conversation. I then turned back to Blaise.

"After what happened with Katie the other day he's been suspicious of Draco and I've been trying to become better friends with him to lead him off our trail." I whispered back.

Blaide nodded his head in understanding.

"Do you plan on asking Draco to the Christmas Party?" He asked as Hermione was now talking.

"Maybe, if he wants to join me that is."

"Well if he doesn't want to, do you want to go with me?" I looked at him surprised.

"If he doesn't want to, then yeah." I said and he smiled.

"Well just let me know what he says." I nodded my head.

After about thirty more minutes Slughorn had us leave the office. Blaise and I walked down to the dungeons together.

"So what are you and Draco?" Blaise suddenly asked as we started descending the last staircase.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Come on, you fancy him and with how much you spend together, you guys have to be dating." He explained.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends." I truthfully told him.

"Uhu, sure." He smiled.

We turned the last corner to the common room.

"It's the truth, we aren't dating." He laughed at this.

He said the password to the common room then turned to me.

"Well if you guys don't work out then come find me. I'll show you how a real man should treat you." He said trying not to laugh but failed.

I smiled and laughed, pushing him lightly and walked into the common room. Blaise followed me, still laughing.

"Where have you two been?" We turned to see Draco on the couch which surprised me. He said he would be working on the cabinet tonight.

"Oh, hey Draco." He stood up and looked us over.

Blaise is wearing a nice button up and tie while I am in a black long sleeve dress.

"Zabini, leave us." Draco said, seeming angry.

"Remember what I said." Blaise whispered in my ear before leaving Draco and I alone in the common room.

"Since when have you two been so close?" He sneered.

"You've been busy so we've been hanging out more." I explained.

"Why him though? Why not be friends with some girls?" He was still angry.

"The only girls I know are in other houses and then Pansy and there's no way in hell I'm spending time with Pug-Face." I was now getting angry with him.

"Well where were you two dressed so nice? On a date or something?" He asked, turning away.

"It's not like it's any of your business if we were or not." I crossed my arms. "But if you must know, we were at Slughorn's dinner party."

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