Chapter 18

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 "How did Umbitch even find the documents about it?" I asked the room.

"Language." Severus growled out.

We are currently in his office with Professor McGonagall to talk about what happened this morning at breakfast.

"She must have gone through Professor Dumbledore's office after she took the position and found the documents on you." McGonagall explained.

"She would have had to really dig for it since it was hidden." Severus said.

"What are we going to do then?" I asked.

"Sirius wants you to go stay with him." Severus told us. "Which I agree with."

"Don't you think it would look kind of suspicious that I leave after all of this is revealed?" I asked. "Everyone would figure it out by that."

"She's not wrong Severus." McGonagall agrees with me. "She's safer staying here in the castle."

"As much as I would love to stay with Sirius, I think it's better for me to stay and just act it out." I explained.

"Okay." Severus sighed. "You're right, I'll tell Sirius."

"What about Mr. Potter?" McGonagall asked.

"What about him?"

"Shouldn't we tell him?" I asked. "He knows that his twin sister is alive after believing for fourteen years that I'm dead. He deserves to know who I am."

"We are not to tell him without discussing it with Dumbledore first."

"But he needs to..."

"We are not going to tell him right now." Severus tells me in a stern voice. "End of discussion."

I knew not to answer or try to argue more when he talked like that.

"We will continue on like usual. But Haley, Voldemort now knows you're alive." Severus tells me. "You need to be careful, he can't find out that you're Harry's twin. He will do anything to get to Harry, including using you as bait. Be careful and make sure no one finds out."

I nod my head in understanding.

After leaving the office I went to find Draco, but on the way I saw the golden trio sitting together. Harry is still holding the Daily Prophet and looking confused while talking to Hermione and Ron.

"Hey guys." I said walking up to them.

"Hey Haley." Hermione acknowledges me, scooting over for me to sit next to her.

I look at Harry and it seems that he hadn't noticed me.

"How is he taking all of this?" I asked Hermione.

"Not good. He still can't believe she's alive." Hermione tells me.

"Plus with the possibility of her attending Hogwarts and Dumbledore never telling him, he doesn't know what to think." Ron chimes in.

"Do you guys have any theories on who she might be?" I ask them.

"We don't think she's Slytherin." Hermione says.

"She has to be a Gryffindor." Harry finally says putting the paper down. "But who though?"

"Is there any possibility that she could be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?" I ask.

"Maybe. But I believe that she would be in Gryffindor." Harry says turning to me. "We are going to try and figure it out until Dumbledore comes back when we can ask him who."

"Good luck. If I think of anyone she could be I'll let you guys know." I gave them a smile.

"Haley." Someone calls from down the hall.

We all turn to see Draco motioning me to go with him.

"I see you two are friends again." Ron sneers.

"Yeah, we are." I said getting up. "I should go. Good luck Harry."

I walked down the hall to where Draco was waiting for me.

"Did you tell Harry?" He asks as we start walking away from the trio.

"No, Severus said not to. That right now it's too dangerous for both of us." I explain.

"When do you think you guys will finally tell him?" He was surprised that Harry doesn't get to know.

"I don't know. It's up to Dumbledore when he gets back."

"Okay. Also there's something else you need to know." He says.

"Oh no, what is it?" I asked scared.

"Umbridge has made a decree that the twin will come forward or anyone who knows." He explains. "If no one does, she's going to use veritaserum on students she thinks possibly knows. Meaning the trio and all of their friends."

"So possibly me too." I say and he nods his head.


Later that night I couldn't sleep so I was sitting in the common room reading a book near the fire. Everyone has gone to sleep including Draco, so I'm all alone.

"Haley." I heard a voice but when I looked around I didn't see anyone.

"Haley, over here." I heard again and looked in the direction of the voice which was the fireplace.

"Sirius?" I ask, seeing his face in the fire.

"Hey kiddo." He says. "How is everything going?"

"Fine. I would really like to tell Harry the truth but Severus says I'm not allowed to." I explain to him.

"I know you do but it's better for the both of you right now that he doesn't know." Sirius tells me.

"But why is it better?" I ask.

"Voldemort and Harry's minds are connected in a way." He tells me. "So if Harry were to know then so would Voldemort. Severus has been trying to teach Harry Occlumency though. Maybe after he learns we can tell him the truth."

"Okay. That makes sense. At least you tell me information." I said.

"You deserve to know. Hopefully soon enough Harry will know and I can finally spend time with both of you together." He says hopeful.

"I hope so too. I would really like to do that." I smiled.

"Well it's late and you've had a long few days. You should get some sleep." He says which surprises me.

"So you know what happened last night?" I ask.

"Yes I do. But we'll talk about it another time. For now get some sleep." He says.

"Okay, good night Sirius."

"Good night Haley." He says then his face was no longer there. All that was left was the green fire.

I took a deep breath and leaned back against the side of the couch.

"Who were you talking to?" Draco's voice scared me. I turned to look at him.

"No one. I was thinking out loud." I lie. He doesn't seem to believe me at first but then gives in.

He walks over to me and leans down to move a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You should go to sleep love." He tells me.

He stands back up and puts his hand out for me to take which I do. He pulls me up off the floor. We walk to my dorm room and I open my door to walk in.

"Good night love." Draco says turning to walk away but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

He turns to look at me concerned.

"Stay with me?" I ask not looking him in the eyes.

"Of course." He says pulling me to my bed to lay down with him. 

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