Chapter 31

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"This all still feels unreal." Harry sighed leaning back in his chair.

McGonagall had ushered everyone out just a few moments ago to let Harry and I talk.

"But thinking back on it, things make much more sense." He looked up at me.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well looking at you more closely I realize you look like our mother." He smiled. "I also now understand why my scar always kind of burned when we touched."

"Yeah, I had to make sure to not be too close to you so you wouldn't think too much about it." I explained.

"I'll admit it made me think more that you're a Death Eater or something. But I understand now that I was being a fool." He told me.

"I'm glad that all it took was you finding out I'm your sister for you to trust me." I laughed which he joined in.

He then looked away and thought about something.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked curious.

"You know my patronus is a stag like our fathers." He then looked at me. "When I saw your patronus last year it made me think about that. I bet our mom's was a doe like yours."

"It was." I smiled.

"Of course it was." He smiled. "So I'm guessing you had seen Sirius before he had..." He trailed off.

"Yeah, I had seen him a few times. You know he was hoping for the day that his name was cleared and we could tell you about me. He wanted us to live with him, be a family." I smiled thinking about it. "It took a bit to convince Severus but he eventually gave in. I was looking forward to that day too."

"I would have loved that. Would have been amazing." He said.

While watching him I could tell something was bothering him still.

"What's bothering you?" I asked. "I know it's not talking about Sirius. So what's up?"

"Look, you know I hate Draco and don't trust him." He started to explain, now angry. "I just can't believe he knew who you really were before I did. I still don't think it's a good thing for you to be hanging with him still."

"I understand that Harry bit I know him. He's not going to do anything that could put me in danger. Like Severus had said, I'm safest with Draco." I told him.

"How are you safest with him? If I remember correctly, because of him last year you weren't in a good place." He said and I sighed.

"Yeah and if it weren't for him last year you would have found out that your sister was alive but had pitched herself off the astronomy tower." I explained now kind of angry.

He looked at me shocked. "What do you mean?"

"I had tried to pitch myself off the astronomy tower last year but Draco had grabbed me just as I had let go of the railing. He saved me." I explained.

"Merlin's beard. I guess I should thank him one day." He said. "I still don't trust him though."

"Okay Harry."


I walked into my dorm and as I expected Draco's laying on my bed reading a book. He looked up at me when he heard the door open.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked sitting up and I sat next to him.

"Severus will be here in a few minutes to talk to us." I told him.

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