Chapter 16

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It's been four days since the DA got caught. We've been waiting for Umbridge to tell us when we are going to have detention. The night we got caught Dumbledore disappeared. The Ministry thought our group was formed by him to go against the Ministry. He left before they could take him away though.

Umbridge now being headmistress has been hell, more than it was before. No one is happy any more.

Draco and all the other Slytherins won't talk to me anymore. All of them are mad at me for being a part of the DA. And because of it I've been ignoring my friends in the other houses too. Hermione and the twins have tried to get me to hang out with them to cheer me up but I just decline the invitations.

I usually skip meals so I don't have to talk to anyone, and if I actually do go to the great hall for a meal I just sit alone. The one time I did that I noticed Draco watching me from the other end of the Slytherin table and I don't know if I imagined it or not but he seemed kind of worried. But there's no way, I'm nothing to him so I know he doesn't care.

I've also been sitting alone in all of my classes. At least in the ones I show up to. Every once and a while I don't feel like going to a class so I just skip. I've been ditching potions every day though. I knew that Severus was going to lecture me so I've been avoiding him as much as I could.

"Will all students who took part in the unauthorized organization please report to the great hall for detention." Umbridge's voice boomed through the castle.

As much as I didn't want to go I knew that if I didn't my punishment would be a lot worse than it already is.

I walked into the great hall with the rest of the DA members. Desks were lined up in rows in front of where Umbridge is sitting, all with parchment and quills on them.

I went to take a seat at one of the desks in the back when;

"Ms. Snape, you will be sitting up here dear." Umbridge said pointing to the desks right in front of her.

I walked up the row of desks to sit down, giving her a glare as she gave me a fake smile. I noticed my quill was different from everyone elses.

"Alright." Umbridge announces once everyone had taken their seats. "Everyone will write 'I must not break rules.'" She said and I went to start writing. "Except for you Ms. Snape."

I look up at her confused as she smiles even bigger than before.

"You, my dear, will write 'I am nothing to Draco.'" She explained.

Everyone gasped as I stared at her with wide eyes. She really is a bitch.

"Everyone go ahead and get started." She said.

Everyone started writing and I could hear the sounds of students hissing and whimpering as the words are carved into their skin.

I look up at Umbridge one last time to see her still looking at me, smiling as she nodded her head at me to get started.

I put the quill to the parchment and wrote "I am nothing to Draco." The back of my left hand had started burning the second I wrote the first letter.

I looked at my hand to see that it wasn't healing right away like last time. It also looked like the words weren't just scratched into my hand but also burned into it at the same time. I looked at the quill in shock.

"Is there a problem Ms. Snape?" Umbridge asked. This caught everyone else's attention too.

I looked up at her to see her stupid smile.

"Bitch." I hissed out at her making her giggle.

After thirty minutes she let everyone leave except for me. She made me write for a full hour then let me be done.

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