Chapter 44

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Severus came around noon the day of my birthday to take me to lunch. He apparated us back to our house in Cokeworth where he had food ready for us.

"It's happening tomorrow." Severus said as we sat down at the table.

"What is." I asked.

"The attack on the Ministry. We're taking over tomorrow." He explained which surprised me.

"So what's going to happen after that?"

"You will stay at Malfoy Manor until school starts. I'll have a lot to prepare at Hogwarts since Muggle-Borns won't be allowed anymore." He tells me as we finally start to eat. "Also, Harry is going to be wanted, as well as you technically. All the Death Eaters will be searching for the missing Potter twin."

"So I'm going to have to be extra careful as to not get caught." I sighed. "And where's Harry, Hermione and Ron going to go?"

"I assume they are at the Burrow currently. We plan to attack there after the Ministry tomorrow. I'm sure they'll go on the run." Severus told me.

"On the run where? They're seventeen, they're going to die out there."

"Knowing your brother. They will probably be searching for horcruxes."

"Hor-what?" I asked confused.

"Horcruxes. They're pieces of Voldemort's soul. Your brother and Dumbledore discovered that there are seven of them." He explains, surprising me. "We had found four of them already."

"Well that's good. They only have to find three more then." I sighed until I looked over at him to see that he has that look he gives when he's trying to hide something from me. "Okay, what is it you're not telling me?"

"I'm not hiding anything Haley." He badly lied to me.

"Severus, you've lied and hidden things from me my whole life. I think I know you by now."

He sighed. "Remember when we told you that Harry is going to die in order to defeat Voldemort?" I nodded my head still feeling some of the pain from that day. "Well it's because he's a horcrux."

"What? Are you sure?" I yelled.

"Yes. That's why Harry and Voldemort's minds are connected. Because a piece of Voldemort's soul is a part of Harry." He tells me.

"How is he one but not me?" I asked.

"We don't know. When Voldemort tried killing the two of you that night but it backfired on him, the seventh part of his soul attached itself to Harry." He continues to explain. "For years we knew he split his soul but didn't know in how many parts. We thought that perhaps both of you were horcruxes but in the end we found that only your brother is one."

"So you guys have been raising us like pigs for slaughter." I scoffed in disbelief.

"Well yes." He sighed. "But mainly just your brother."

"Really? Just Harry?" I asked. "Tell me, when did you know for sure that I wasn't a horcrux?"

Severus sat there eating his food refusing to answer my questions.

I scoffed at how silent he was being. "Let me guess. That's why you finally let me go to Hogwarts, because you knew I wasn't a Horcrux."

"Actually, we didn't find that out until half way through your first year." He sat back in his chair.

"Of course." I stood up from my seat getting ready to leave the dining room.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, also standing up from the table.

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