21 - Sisters

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pov rose:

The first thing I did as soon as I woke up was checking my phone. Ruel had sent me something on snapchat last night, I must've fallen asleep before he sent it. I opened the chat.

'tomorrow there's this houseparty
a friend of my friend's cousin is hosting it
lol this sounds so complicated but hear me out
a lot of people around our age will be there
including my friends
and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me?
it'll be fun i promise'

I smiled at his message. He thought of me, he wants me to have fun, he wants me to meet his friends. Idk I just think it's cute. But the thing is, I lowkey hate partying. I don't hate the part where I'm having fun, where I'm dancing, or where I'm talking to total strangers who seem to be nice. I hate the part where drunk horny boys come up to me. They think they have the power over you, they think they can do whatever they want. They don't care about your opinion, they just want you to open your legs for them. But I need to remember that all of that happened to me back home in Londen. I'm in Sydney right now. Sometimes you gotta yolo.

'sounds fun to me
count me in! :)'

I walked downstairs and made myself some breakfast. 'Someone's up early.' I heard Olivia's voice say. The past few days I woke up quite late, but I need to put the blame the jetlag. I'm slowly getting used to this time zone, so it's all good. 'Yessir.' I simply replied.

I continued to prepare myself some breakfast before getting interrupted by Olivia again. 'Are you coming with me to some friends of mine tonight? You haven't met them yet but I already know you'll love them!' By the way she was talking I knew she was expecting to hear a yes from me. 'Thank you for the offer, but I'm actually going to a houseparty with Ruel. I'm sorry, maybe next time?' I felt kinda rude for turning her down, since she's part of my host family. She's the one of the reasons that I'm in this city today. 'Don't apologise babe, it's totally fine! Did Ruel ask you out?' Olivia asked. She makes it sound like a date, I hadn't thought about it that way. 'Yeah, he asked me to come along.' I smiled.

'Ohh fun! Well here's my advice; don't drink too much, people tend to get pretty drunk at those houseparties. Also keep an eye on your drink, you don't wanna get drugged. Oh and I almost forgot, try to always have someone you know stick around you. It can be pretty crowded and I always have a hard time finding my people again!' Olivia explained like a worried mom. 'Thanks for your advice mom!' Olivia laughed at my comment. 'No but honestly, thank you. It's my very first houseparty over here and I'm kinda scared.' I continued. 'Nahw, don't be scared. I'll help you to look bomb af tonight. You'll leave a good first impression on everyone, I'm sure. Also you have Ruel to protect you, you'll be just fine.' Olivia reassured me.

'Thank you Olivia! And you're being so nice to me for what?' I joked. 'Well, since you're my little sister. My little host sister. I'm just doing what I gotta do, being the big sister.' She smiled at me. Olivia is the big sister I never had. Growing up as an only child hasn't always been easy. Olivia would know, since she's an only child as well. It's nice to finally have a big sister.

time skip to the evening

'Rose, come with me to my room! You can wear one of my dresses and I want to do your hair and make-up!' Olivia said as she dragged me into her room. She walked over to her closet and showed me a few of her favourite dresses. 'You need to try on this one.' Olivia handed me a black dress with mesh sleeves. 'I always receive a ton of compliments when I wear this one.' I got changed into the dress and looked into the mirror. 'Yeah, okay, this one is pretty cute.' I smiled. 'It fits you even better than it fits me.' Olivia gave me a smile.

'Okay now it's time for your make-up! Do you like a full face look or do you want to keep it natural?' Olivia asked. 'Usually I go with a natural look, but you can do full face this time.' I said. Olivia started applying layers of make-up. She was very good at it. After like 30 minutes she had finished the make-up look. 'So, what do you think?' Olivia asked. I walked over to a mirror and was surprised by how I looked. 'Wow, you did such a good job. I love it, thank you!' I was really happy the make-up turned out the way it did. Olivia made me look very beautiful. 'Ahw, thank you!' Olivia replied.

'Okay, last step. Your hair. Do you want to keep it straight or should I curl it a little bit?' Olivia asked. My hair is naturally straight, so that's what my hair usually looks like. 'You can curl it, my hair's always straight. Time for a change!' I said. 'Okidoki, Imma grab my curling iron real quick.' She replied. Only an hour until Ruel picks me up. I was really excited for tonight, but also very nervous. So many things could go wrong, but like Olivia said, Ruel's with me to protect me. I'll be just fine is what I keep telling myself. It surprisingly calms me down. 'Got the curling iron!' Olivia said as she walked back into her room. She did my hair, which took her about 25 minutes.

'I think you're all good to go now. You look stunning!' Olivia said. 'Oh no, wait! you need to wear a pair of heels.' She walked over to her shoes and grabbed a very beautiful pair of heels. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. I think my look was all complete now. I took one last look into the mirror and smiled. I felt satisfied with the way I looked.

Olivia and I walked downstairs. There was still some time to kill before Ruel would be here to pick me up. We were walking over to the living room but we were stopped by Joyce, Olivia's mom. 'You look pretty! What are you guys going to do tonight?' She asked. 'I'm going to hang out with some friends, Rose is going to a houseparty with Ruel.' Olivia said. 'That's nice!' Her mom replied. 'It's also good that you're starting to have your own friends around your own age, instead of being stuck up with this girl and her friends!' She continued. Olivia gave her mom a little punch. 'Hey, me and my friends are really fun to be around!' Olivia said. I laughed.

'Let me snap a quick picture of you two!' Joyce said. Olivia and I stood side by side and we gave each other a side hug. 'It feels good to finally have a little sister.' Olivia smiled at me. 'That was what I was just thinking, I finally have the big sister I've always dreamed of.'

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