9 - Sydney, here I come

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pov rose:

I slowly woke up to my alarm. It's 11pm. Wow, did I really sleep for about 13 hours. I didn't realise I was that tired. I was still wearing my grey sweatpants and my baby blue sweater, so there was no need to change my outfit. I put on the necklace Mom and Jade gave me this morning and walked down the stairs. Mom was sitting in the living room.  'I started to wonder if you were still alive, you were asleep almost the entire day.' Mom said laughing. 'Yes, I'm still alive and I don't feel tired anymore, so that's a good thing.' I replied. 'By the way, Jade is joining us to the airport. I told her we are going to pick her up around midnight.' I said. 'That's okay, the plane leaves at 2am so I think midnight is a good time to leave home.' Mom replied. I walked towards the kitchen. 'There is some food left from this morning, you can find it in the fridge!' Mom said loud enough for me to hear it. I opened the fridge. It looked still as delicious as it did this morning. I grabbed a plate and decided to put some random things on it. Mom also came to the kitchen and did the same. She joined me at the dining table. 'Let's put on some music.' I suggested. 'You can choose a song.' Mom replied. The first singer that popped up in my mind was Ruel. The only song I could remember was Painkiller, because Jade and I had listened to that song before. 'Alexa, play Painkiller by Ruel.' I said. The song started to play. I was totally vibing. The song Painkiller finished and the next song started to play. I could hear it was still Ruel, because his voice is so beautiful and unique. I googled some of the lyrics and found out this song was named Younger. I also really liked this song. After a few more songs of Ruel Mom and I had finished our plates.

'I'm going to check if I have packed everything and didn't forget something.' I said as I walked upstairs. Toothbrush, check. Swimsuits, check. Brush, check. Make-up, check. Deodorant and parfume, check. Bra's, che- huh there's one missing. I started looking through my room to find the missing one, but I couln't find it anywhere. O, wait, I'm wearing that one. I'm so dumb. That means, bra's, check. Okay I think I've got everthing then. I grabbed my suitcases and walked downstairs. 'You can already put them in the trunk of the car. The car's still locked tho, here you've got the keys.' Mom said as she handed me the keys. 'Thanks mom,' I said as I grabbed the keys out of her hands. I walked outside to the car and unlocked it. I opened the trunk and put the suitcases in. I closed the truk and locked the car again. 'Here, the keys.' I said as I gave them back to mom. 'Hey, you're not very chatty this evening. Are you feeling alright?' Mom looked kinda concerned. I'm never this quiet. 'I think it's just the nerves.' I replied. 'I get that'. She said as she nodded in agreement. 'I'm going to get changed. I think it's about time to leave when I'm done.' Mom said as she walked upstairs. I walked up to the window. I could see the sky. It looked so beautiful. There was a full moon and the sky was filled with stars. I could also see a plane. I'm going to be in one in about 2 hours. Off to Australia. I'm already starting to feel homesick even tho I'm still at home. I think it's just a 'phase'. That's what I usually experience. As soon as I arrive in Sydney things will get better. It's just that I don't know a lot about the city or the people over there. But as soon as I get used to it I won't be homesick anymore. At least, I hope so. 'Are you ready to leave, Rose?' Mom asked as I heard her come down the stairs. 'Yes, I'm more than ready.' I replied with a smile. Mom started to smile as well. 'That's great, let's go.' She said. We both left the house. I took a seat in the car as mom locked the house. Mom took the drivers seat and drove of to Jade's. She ran to the car and took a seat besides me. 'Hi!' She said excited. 'Hey!' Mom and I replied at the same time. I saw Jade looking at my necklace. She started to smile. 'You're wearing our necklace I see' She said. 'Yes I am, I'm in love with this nekclace!' I replied. 'That's good to hear hun!' Mom said. 'How long is the care ride from our home to the airport?' I asked. 'I think it's about 20 minutes, but I'm not sure.' Mom replied. Jade and I started to gossip about some kiddos of our school. 'I'm a 100% sure she's just dating him because he's hot and popular. I mean she knows he's a cheater and he's not even kind to her.' Jade said. 'She kinda deserves it tho, she's so annoying. She thinks everyone likes her, but it's definitely the opposite.' I replied. We both started to laugh. Mom also started to laugh. 'O girls, life must be fun as a teenager. I wish I could go back.' Mom said still laughing. After a few more minutes we arrived at the airport.

I immediately checked in. I still had to wait for an hour before I could enter the plane. We were sitting on a random bench at the airport. On a few benches away from us was sitting a group of boys. I think they were about the same age as Jade and I.  'I'm gonna ask those boys if they want to take a picture of us.' Mom said. 'No, mom that's embarrasi-' Before I could finish my sentence mom was already on her way to the boys. She handed her phone to one of them and he took a few picture of us. 'Where are you girls going to?' He said.  'Oh not us, just my daughter Rose. She's flying to Sydney.' Mom said. I gave him a little smile, I think he could tell I was embarrased. 'Ah cool, me and the boys are also flying to syndey, are you taking the plane of 2am?' He asked. 'Yes, I am.' I replied. 'If you want to you can come sit with us on the plane. It's a long flight and I'd rather not be alone if I was in your place. But it's up to you of course.' He said. Mom smiled. I could see she approved it. 'Sure, thanks!' I replied. 'Why don't you girls come sit with us, we still have to wait for an hour before we can board.' He said. Mom, Jade and I all walked up to the group of boys and we introduced ourselves. 'Rose is going to sit with us on the plane ride, because otherwise she has to sit alone.' The guy from ealier said. All the boys were okay with it. 'Wait, let me introduce us. I'm Milo, that's George, this is Harry and last but not least Arthur. I gave all of them a smile. 'So what are you going to do all alone in Sydney?' Milo asked. 'I'm going to be an exchange student, it's just for 8 weeks tho. What about you guys? What are you going to do in Sydney?' I replied. 'We're going on a holiday over there. It's a roadtrip. We're starting in Sydney, but we'll leave for another city within 2 or 3 days.' Harry said. 'That sounds fun!' Mom said. We talked for about an hour about a lot of different things. After a while the intercom rang. We heard it was time to board. I started to cry. I couldn't control it. Mom and Jade also started to cry. We went in for a groupshug. 'I'm going to miss you two so so much.' I said. 'I'm going to miss you too, but everything will be okay. You'll be back before you know. Just enjoy your time in Sydney as much as you can. I love you.' Mom said. 'I'm also going to miss you, but like you said we can FaceTime, call or text each other everyday. It's gonna be okay. Don't forget your mom and I are always with you, because of the necklace. I love you.' Jade said. 'I love you too guys, thanks for making me feel better.' I said while drying my tears. 'We need to hurry up Rose, don't wanna miss the plane, right?' Milo said. 'I'm coming.' I said. 'See you two again in 8 weeks.' I gave Mom and Jade one last hug before leaving to the plane with Milo and the other boys. Sydney, here I come.

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