17 - Surf weather

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pov rose:

'This spot, right here, perfect for the five of us.' Sylvie said. After a good 10 minutes of walking over the hot sand on the beach, we finally found a spot. It's really hot in Sydney right now. That's why it took us so long to find ourselves a spot, it's hella crowded. We all put our towels down on the sand. I was laying in between Ruel and Olivia. 'What a beautiful day.' I heard Ruel say. I looked aside and saw him looking at me. Oh, what a way of starting a convo. 'I agree.' I said. What else can you say to someone saying what a beautiful day. Disagree? Not that I disagreed in this case, because, yes, it was a beautiful day. 'This is actually the perfect weather to surf.' Ruel said. 'You surf?' I asked. 'Yes, me and my friends love to surf. I'm not really good at it but I'm trying my best.' He said with a cute little giggle at the end. 'I need to see your surfing skills. I'm not leaving Sydney before I've seen you on a surfboard.' I smiled. 'Deal.' He replied. He looked kinda tired, but that's probably because he's been in the studio all night. He wanted to finish some song, can't remember the name. 'Have you finished that song you were in studio for all night?' I asked. 'Yeah, I think we're finished. Stayed in the studio until 5, so I'm quite tired right now. Maybe you can tell.' Ruel smiled. 'No, you look good.' Shit, did I really just say that out loud. Ruel was blushing. That must be a yes. I just said that out fcking loud. And I think Olivia, who's laying next to me, heard it too. I could hear her trying to hold back her laughter. 'Well, thanks. You look good as well, Rose.' Ruel said with a smile.

'I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but maybe it's time to take a dip into the water. I'm burning away.' Coco said. She's so good at exaggerating, but I'm here for it. Olivia and I were already in our bikinis. Sylvie, Coco and Ruel were still wearing clothes over their swimwear. They took their clothes off. I caught myself staring at Ruel. He was wearing some sort of blouse which he opened button by button, slowly revealing his chest. That's hot. Very hot. 'Hey, my eyes are up here.' Ruel was grinning. That's embarrassing. 'I-, I- uhhm, I'm sorry.' I said while looking down. 'It's okay, I get it. I'm a hot piece of shit.' He laughed and touched my shoulder. I looked up and immidiately started smiling as soon as I saw his smile. 'Just kidding, come on, let's get into the water.'

'Aahh, that's cold.' I said while keeping my shoulders high. Ruel just dived straight into the water. 'If you go all the way into the water within a second it won't be that bad.' I decided to listen to Ruel's advice. There I went, head under water. The first few seconds were still cold, but after you went through that, it's not bad at all. 'So this is what y'all do on the daily basis? Hanging around at the beach?' I asked. 'I mean, if it's hot outside, why not.' Ruel replied. I nodded in agreement. 'By the way, you shouldn't be going too far into the water. There's a current over there. Once you're in it, you will not get out easily.' Ruel pointed his finger at the place of the current. 'Understood.' I said.

'Isn't this like the perfect day to go surf? There's wind, there are the perfect waves and the sun is shining.' Sylvie said as she came swimming toward Ruel and me. 'That's what I'm saying. Perfect weather to surf.' Ruel replied. Sylvie was breathing heavily, I think she was bit exhausted from the swimming she just did. 'So why aren't you surfing right now?' I said. 'Why aren't we all surfing right now?' Ruel said while frowning his eyebrows. 'That's a good one.' Sylvie said, still breathing heavily. 'Let's go surf, I've never ever done that before, but it's gonna be fun.' She continued. A little smile appeared on Ruel's face. He's happy he's going to surf, you can just tell. We walked back to our towels. Coco and Olivia were already on their towels, because they left the water a few minutes before we did. 'Pack your stuff we're going to surf.' Sylvie said. Coco and Olivia looked a bit confused. 'I'm a 100 percent sure Ruel came up with this idea.' Coco said. 'No. I mean, yes I want to surf, but we kinda decided to do this together.' Ruel said. 'Brooo, I've never surfed before. No way I'm going to do that.' Olivia said. 'It would be fun if all of us would go on a surfboard today. I've never surfed before either, but just do it, please?' Sylvie made a puppy face. 'Okay, fine. But if I'm gonna die it's your fault.' Olivia said jokingly.

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