14 - No biggie

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pov rose:

I opened my eyes. I was disoriented. Where am I? I was in a bed, but it wasn't mine. Oh, wait. I'm not home. I'm at my host family in Australia. I don't remember this room, but whatever. I walked out of the room, but I didn't recognise a single thing in this house. Probably because it's my second day over here. I just decided to walk down the stairs. I think I was a little too loud, because someone started talking. 'Rose, where have you been the entire night?' Coco laughed. Shit. Shit. Shit. Suddenly I remember everything. I'm not at my host family, I'm at Coco's. The room I slept in was Ruel's. I started blushing. How awkward. 'Uh, in your house?' I didn't really know what to answer. I felt embarrassed. Coco and Olivia were sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast. I decided to join them. 'I know you were in the house, but you didn't sleep with us.' Coco said. Coco and Olivia gave each other a smile.

They were interrupted by a tall boy. He walked into the kitchen. 'Good morning.' He said. 'Rose, do you remember this boy by any chance?' Coco asked. 'You literally made me meet him, I had no choice.' I laughed. 'Coco, I think a better question is, do you remember anything of last night. You were so drunk.' Ruel joined our conversation. Olivia started laughing at Coco. 'You were very drunk too Olivia.' Ruel said. We all started laughing. 'Let's just say we had a fun night. I think you two did too, huh?' Coco gave me a wink.  'Coco, stop teasing them!' Olivia gave Coco a little punch. 'Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Give me at least a little story time.' Coco said while giving me and Ruel a puppy face. 'We decided to watch a movie together. We weren't even half way before Rose fell asleep.' Ruel laughed. Wait, did we sleep in the same bed. 'Oh no, did you hear me snore?' I asked concerned. 'No, I didn't hear you snore.' Ruel started laughing. 'I didn't want to wake you up, so I decided to sleep on the couch in the living room.' He continued. That means we didn't sleep in the same bed. Sad. Why would he even want to anyways. He's way out of my league. 'Sounds like the beginning of a love story.' Coco said teasing us again. 'Shut up, Coco.' Ruel said.

Ruel's phone rang. He walked away from us to his room. 'I think it's his girlfriend.' Coco said. My mood changed from happy to sad and disappointed. Of course he has a girlfriend, look at him. Why was I thinking I would even get a chance with him. Coco started laughing. 'Girl, you should've seen your face. I was joking, he doesn't have a girlfriend. I just wanted to see you reaction. I knew you liked him and now my speculations have been confirmed.' Is it that obvious, I thought to myself. 'I don't even know him, but he seems nice so far.' I said. Coco shook her head. 'Uhu, just nice.' She said. 'What do you want for breakfast?' Olivia asked. Thank god she changed the subject. 'I don't really care, you can pick something for me.' I replied. She gave me some pancakes. 'Thank you.' I said. I started eating the pancakes while Coco and Olivia started talking about last night.

After a few minutes Ruel came back down. 'Nate called, gotta be in the studio within 30 minutes. He wants to record a song for the new ep.' Ruel said. 'Cool, which song?' Coco asked. 'As long as you care, I think. We're going to release that one a few weeks before the entire ep comes out.' He said. 'Can I maybe have a little back story on this?' I asked. 'Didn't he tell you this already? He's a singer.' Coco said. 'Yeah, I know he's a singer, but like, how big of a singer is he? Dropping an ep sounds like quite a big happening to me.' I said. 'I've got like 1,5 million followers on insta and about 8 million monthly listeners on spotify. No biggie.' Ruel said like it was the most normal thing in the world. 'Wow, that's impressive.' I said. 'Don't boost his ego.' Coco said. 'DoN't BoOsT hIs EgO.' Ruel said in a high-pitched voice. 'Piss off.' Coco said. Olivia and I started laughing. 'Anyways, I'm leaving for the studio now. See y'all later.' Ruel said. We all waved him goodbye.

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