19 - I'm paying

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pov rose:

His arm, placed on my waist. My arm, placed around his neck. We were looking at each other and I just couldn't look away. I saw his eyes go down to my lips every now and then. Butterflies were rushing through my body. He leaned in slowly and so did I. Our faces were only a few inches apart from each other. I could feel the hot air he was breathing out on my skin.

'I knew it!' I heard Olivia scream. Ruel and I let go of each other. She just ruined our little moment. Thanks Olivia, I thought to myself. I turned around to see Olivia, Coco and Sylvie staring at us. I looked back at Ruel and he looked embarrassed. His face turned red and he avoided any eye contact. 'So what we're you guys doing, huh?' Coco asked with a grin on her face. She probably knew what we were doing and she probably also knew where it was going. I was just about to say something, but Ruel got ahead of me. 'I... uhh.... I was teaching her how to surf.' He said while scratching the back of his head. 'Next time try to leave a little bit more room for Jesus.' Coco winked. Olivia and Sylvie laughed at her comment. Ruel and I let out some awkward laughter, because that's what this whole situation was, awkward.

After a little bit more of surfing, but this time with more room left for Jesus, we returned to our towels. 'Even though I'm the worst at surfing, it was a lot of fun. Also, I didn't die, so that's a big plus.' Olivia smiled. 'I told you it would be fun!' Sylvie said. 'Let's go back to Angelo's beach shack, we need to return this stuff.' Ruel said. We agreed. After packing our bags we followed Ruel, because he's the only one in this group who knows how to get to that beach shack.

We arrived at the beach shack, but it was empty. The room was soon filled up with Ruel's voice. 'Angelo, we're back!' Ruel screamed, hoping Angelo would hear it. You could hear footsteps coming. 'Hello guys! Sorry I was eating in the small room behind. How was surfing?' Angelo asked. We all talked for a bit about surfing. 'So, who's going to pay?' Angelo asked while standing behind the counter. 'I will.' Ruel said. 'I'll pay for myself.' I said. The total is a lot of money and I didn't want him to pay all of that. 'No way, I'm paying for each one of you.' Ruel said. 'That's a lot of money, I'm not going to let you pay all of that! I'm an independent wo-' Before I could finish my sentence Ruel had already payed. That sneaky bitch. 'You can keep the receipt, thanks for letting us rent, Angelo!' Ruel said. 'Anytime, bye everyone!' Angelo said. We waved him goodbye and left the shop.

'You really didn't have to pay all of that, but it's really sweet of you.' I gave Ruel a smile which he immediately returned. 'It's nothing. Y'all had a good time and that's all that matters to me.' 'Where are we heading to?' I asked. 'Coco picked out some sort of restaurant, but I have no idea which one. Wait I'll ask her.' Ruel said. 'COCOOOO!' He screamed. 'RUEEEL!' Coco replied. 'WHERE ARE WE GOING?' Ruel asked. 'JUST FOLLOW ME!' Coco said. 'Ah yes, that was really helpful, thank you Coco,' Ruel said, not too loud so Coco couldn't hear it. 'Well, I guess we should just follow her to find out then!' I was actually kinda excited. I like surprises, even though I'm scared of not knowing what will happen in the future sometimes.

A couple of minutes later we arrived at this super cute restaurant. 'Have you guys made a reservation?' The waitress asked. 'Yes, van Dijk is the name.' Coco replied. 'I see, I'll lead you to your table.' The waitress said. We followed her to our table. We sat next to a window, so we had a beautiful view over the beach. 'You picked this one out very well! It's cute.' I said. 'Thank you, thank you.' Coco said as she bowed. I sat next to Ruel and Olivia. Coco and Sylvie were sitting in front of us. I was looking down at the menu. There were so many weird names I've never heard of on this menu, but that's in most restaurants in my opinion.

'What are you going to order?' Ruel asked me. 'I have no idea, maybe I'll just stick to some fries since it's the only thing i know on this menu.' I let out a giggle. 'What about you?' I continued. 'I'm going to order grilled kangaroo.' Ruel said. I looked at him in shock. 'You're going to order what?' 'No, just kidding.' He let out a little laugh. 'I've been to a lot of restaurants around the world, so I think I can handle a lot of food, but I don't think I'll ever get a kangaroo down my throat.' Ruel said. He always let out these little laughs when he speaks, it's the cutest thing ever. 'I almost threw up at the idea of eating a kangaroo. So what are you really going to order?' I asked. 'Hmm, I'm gonna order fries as well, I of course don't want you to feel lonely about your choice.' 'Aww, how sweet of you.' I let out sarcastically. 'Otherwise I can also just order grilled kangaroo, if you prefer.' Ruel said. 'No no no! Stick to the fries please, I'm begging you.' 'Okay dennn, I'll get the fries.'

The waitress took our orders. 'So I'm taking y'all to this upscale restaurant and you dare to order damn fries?' Coco pretended to be offended. 'I'm very sorry Coco, but I had a talk with my business partner who's sitting next to me and we came to the conclusion to eat fries instead of kangaroo.' Ruel said. I nodded in agreement. 'I can confirm this.' I said. We continued to fool around and talk a bit. After we finished eating we left the restaurant.

Time to say our goodbyes. 'I had so much fun today! Thank you all so much for inviting me!' I said. 'Of course Rose! I'm glad you came along, you're fun to be around!' Coco said. I turned to Ruel. 'Thank you for teaching me how to surf.' I smiled. 'And thank you for letting me pay.' He gave me a wink. 'Next time I will pay for myself,' I said. 'Next time, did I hear that right? There will be a next time? Kaching!' Ruel said jokingly. I laughed at his comment. Of course there will be a next time, I mean yes, if it's up to me. The more I get to know him, the more I want to be around him. I gave everyone a hug and held Ruel a little longer. Luckily no one noticed. 'Time to get going, bye bye guys!' Olivia said. We said our goodbyes and walked towards Olivia's house.

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