12 - Party at the van Dijks

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pov rose:

'Rose, are you still joining me and my friends tonight?' Olivia asked as she walked into my room. She had one towel wrapped around her body and one towel wrapped around her hair. I just rested in my room today, because I was kinda tired of the journey I've had. 'I almost forgot about that, but yes I'm still down!' I replied. 'Cool! We're leaving in about one and a half hours. You can take a shower beforehand if you want to. I'm going to wear a dress, just so you know.' Olivia said. 'Okay! I'll take a shower and get ready!' I said while getting out of my bed. Olivia gave me a smile and walked to her room. I opened my closet to see if I could find a dress that I could wear tonight. I didn't want to be too basic, but also not to be too extra. I was doubting between a cute black dress and a cute red dress. Since I didn't want to be too basic, I decided to go with the red dress. I grabbed some underwear and walked to the bathroom. After taking a shower, I put on my clothes. I returned to my room and started to do my make-up. I didn't put on full face make-up. I started by curling my lashes and bringing on the mascara. After that I brought some concealer on underneath my eyes and on my face to hide my blemishes. I also brought on some highlighter, bronzer and blush to my face. I powdered everything off and finished by applying some lipgloss. Now it was time for my hair. I decided to straighten my hair. After 15 minutes of straightening my hair I was ready to go. Half an hour was left before Olivia and I were going to leave. I walked to her room to see her sit on her bed. She was scrolling through her phone. I knocked on her door, which was already openend. 'Oh hiiii Rose! Wow you look very good! I love that dress!' She said while looking at me. I could my face heat up. I always get really shy when people compliment me. I never know how to reply. Saying thanks sounds kinda arrogant, like I already knew that, but thanks anyways. Giving a compliment back looks like you don't mean the compliment. Like oh thanks, let's say something sweet back even tho I don't mean it. I'll just go with a mix of both this time. Some people say I'm an overthinker, they're not wrong. 'Ahw thank you! Have you seen yourself tho, you look really pretty!' I said back. She smiled at me. 'Thank you rose, are you all set to go?' Olivia asked. 'Yes, you too?' I replied. She got up from her bed. 'Yes, me too! Let's go!' I followed Olivia, since I don't know the house too well yet. 'Mom, dad, Rose and I are going to hang out with my friends. See you later!' Olivia said as she grabbed car keys out of a drawer in the living room. 'Bye girls, have fun tonight!' Her parents replied.

Olivia and I got in the car. 'The house we're going to is not that far away from ours. They also live next to the beach, so maybe we're going to hang out at the beach.' Olivia said while driving the car. 'It's warm outside, so I wouldn't mind. How much friends are coming over?' I asked her. 'Uhm, I think about 10. They're all very sweet. I'm pretty sure you'll like them!' She looked over to me and gave me a smile. I gave her a smile back. 'I hope so too. Thank you for inviting me by the way.' I said. 'It's nothing, I'm really glad you're joining. It's gonna be very fun, especially because you're there too.' Olivia said. She is so sweet to me, even tho she doesn't know me that good yet. After like 5 minutes we arrived at the house. This house was also very big. Olivia and I walked up to the door. Olivia rang the bell and a few seconds the door was opened by a pretty and blonde girl. 'Hi! This is the exchange student I told you about, her name is Rose.' Olivia introduced me to her. 'Hi! I'm Rose Smith, nice to meet you.' I said. The blonde girl gave me a friendly smile. 'Hi Rose! My name is Coco van Dijk, nice to meet you too! Welcome to my house!' She said. We followed Coco inside. Since Olivia and I were going to the party half an hour earlier than planned, we were the first people to arrive. 'Take a seat in the living room. My parents are out of town tonight. So it's just us and my siblings, but they're hiding in their rooms, so don't worry.' Coco said laughing. I walked over to the living room and took a seat. A lot of alcoholic beverages were standing on the table. Back in London I also used to drink alcoholic drinks, so it doesn't matter. I am aware of the fact that I'm an underage drinker, but I don't really care. The alcohol beverages might even help me tonight to be less shy and open up more. 'Yo Coco, were you planning on getting wasted tonight?' Olivia asked Coco while laughing. Coco started laughing too. 'I mean why not, my parents are gone so it's a perfect setting to get wasted.' We all started to laugh. 'Rose, do you drink? I mean you're 16.' Olivia said. 'Yes, I do drink. Not very often but just occasionally. If y'all gonna drink tonight I'll definitely be drinking too.' I replied laughing. 'There would be one problem tho, I need to drive us home. Can't do that if I'm going to drink alcohol.' Olivia said. 'You can sleepover if you want to. Rose you're of course also welcome to sleep over if you want to.' Coco suggested. Olivia looked over at me. 'Sounds fun! I totally understand if you don't want to sleep over Rose, because it's your first night here in Sydney. If you don't want to sleepover I'll just skip drinking this time. That's okay.' Olivia said. 'No, no, it's fine. I'd like to sleepover!' I replied excited. 'Okay fun! I'll make your beds ready, before I can't anymore because I'm drunk drunk' Coco laughed. She walked up the stairs. Olivia grabbed her phone. 'I will text mom and dad that were staying over. They'll be fine with it, they're always fine with stuff like this.' Not long after that the bell rang. 'Can you guys open the door?' We heard Coco scream from upstairs. 'Sure, I'll get it!' Olivia yelled back. 5 girls and 2 boys walked in. They all gave me a smile. I think Olivia already told them about me. She, again, introduced me to everyone. 'Hi, I'm Rose Smith, nice to meet y'all.' I said. They all introduced themselves and sat down.

Coco came back from upstairs and gave everyone a glass. Some poured the alcoholic bevarages in their glasses. I mixed vodka with coke, because I always used to do that in London. It's one of my faves. After half an hour everyone was already a bit tipsy. Coco sat next to me. She asked about my life in London and how I'm enjoying Sydney so far. I also asked about her life here in Sydney. She seems like a really sweet person. After another hour some people were already drunk. Drunk as in, crawling on the ground drunk. Coco turned the music really loud and everyone started dancing. To be honest, the alcohol did also hit me. I wasn't drunk, but I was very close to it. Coco was dancing closer and closer to me. She started yelling into my ear. 'You are 16, right?' I nodded. 'Yes, I'm 16, why?' I yelled back into her ear. She grabbed my arm. 'You're coming with me, my little brother is 17!' I was confused, I also couldn't think straight anymore. I just let happen whatever was happening. She took me upstairs to a room. It was quiet over here, you could barely hear the music from downstairs. 'This is my little brother.' Coco said as she pointed over to a boy sitting on his bed. Not gonna lie, he looked very handsome. His hair was longer than most boys in London. I liked his hair way better. 'Hi little brother, I'm Rose and hi.' I said. Like I said, I couldn't think straight anymore. 'Come on, introduce yourself.' Coco said while she stepped closer to her little brother, still pulling me by the arm. 'Hi, I'm Ruel, nice to meet ya.' The boy said kinda uninterested. 'Rose came all the way from london to be at this party, be nice to her! She's 16 by the way.' Coco said while giving a very exaggerated wink . I started to laugh. I'm not sure if she really thinks I just came for this party, she's kinda drunk so we'll just blame it on the alcohol. 'That's actually really cool, but coco you're drunk. Leave the poor girl alone.' Ruel said laughing. 'You know what, I'm gonna lead you downstairs Coco. Stay here Rose, I'll be right back.' Ruel left his room and took Coco with him. I thought it was a bit strange that he wanted me to wait for him in his room, but he's handsome, so whatever.

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