10 - A long flight

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pov rose:

I already know this is gonna be a long-ass flight. The longest I've ever been on. I'm glad I can sit next to Milo and Arthur. George and Harry are sitting a row behind us. Hello everyone and welcome aboard, today we're flying from London, England to Sydney, Australia. It will be a 20 hours long flight without any stops. We wish everyone a pleasant and safe flight. A few minutes later the plane took off. I plugged my earbuds into my phone and started to watch 'Stranger Things'. I've heard a lot of good things about that series, but I've actually never seen it. So it's about time to watch it. 'Stranger Things is my favourite series on Netflix ever!' Milo was looking at my phone. 'Have you finished it?' I asked while looked up to him. 'Not yet.' He replied. 'You can have one earbud, so we can watch it toghether? From the beginning tho, because I've never seen it before.' I said. 'Sounds fun. But it's such a shame you've never seen it before.' Milo laughed as he took one of my earbuds. We continued to watch 5 episodes, I was disrupted by someone who was snorring next to me. It was Milo, he fell asleep. I started to laugh. I took my earbud out of his ear. I decided I wanted to continue to watch Stranger Things together with Milo, so I stopped watching it for now.

I looked out of the small window. It was dark outside. I could see the streets filled with lights from cars, buildings and so on. It looked very pretty. I turned around to see if the other boys also were asleep. They were. I didn't really feel tired, because I had slept the entire day. I kinda wanted to go to the toilet, but I couldn't, because that would wake the boys up. I opened spotify and played some random music. I looked at the screen to see this was a song by Ruel. I didn't even do it on purpose this time. This song was named 'Down for you'. I was also vibing to this song, just like I was vibing to Painkiller and Younger. Would there be a song by Ruel that doesn't sound good? Probably not, that would be impossible with that voice. I continued to look out of the window while listening to music. After a while my eyes were slowly closing. I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes again after I felt that someone was trying to shake me awake. 'Goodmorning sleepyhead.' Milo was laughing. I looked out of the window to see the daylight. 'Huh?' I was confused. 'You've slept for quite a long time, but that doesn't matter. We wanted to play a game. I woke you up so you could join us if you want to.' Milo said. 'Sure, what game?' I asked. 'Truth or Dare!' I could hear Harry say from behind me. 'I'll begin. Truth or dare, Arthur? Harry said. 'Uhh, I'll go with truth then.' Arthur answered. 'Okay, okay, did you bring condoms with you on this trip?' Harry asked with a smile. All the boys, including me, started to laugh. 'Mom made me bring them. She said I was not allowed to go if I didn't bring any.' Arthur said as he looked kinda embarrased. 'Your mum's not dumb. You are for sure the fuckboy of the group.' George said. All the boys were still laughing and nodding in agreement. 'Your turn Arthur.' Harry said. 'Truth or dare, Milo?' Arthur said as he turned to Milo. 'I'll go with dare, I'm not as pussy as Arthur.' Milo said. 'Hey, I'm not a pussy you fucker. I dare you to go sing a song out loud, so everyone can hear it.' Arthur said. 'Bet, which song?' Milo replied. 'Baby by Justin Bieber.' Arthur said while trying to hold back his laughter. Milo didn't hesitate. He immediately stood up from his seat and started to sing. 'Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, you know you love me, I know you care. Just shout whenever and I'll be there. You are my love, you are my heart. And we will never, ever ever be apart.' It's save to say that Milo is a very bad singer. The only notes he could hit were false notes. But that made it even funnier than it already was. 'My first love, broke my heart for the first time. And I was like baby, baby, baby oh, like baby, baby, baby no, like baby, baby, baby oh. I thought you'd always be mine, mine.' Milo kept singing, but it sounded like shit. 'Shut up, kid!' An old man shouted from the front of the plane. Milo's face turned red and he sat down again. We all bursted into laughter. 'What surprises me the most about this, is that you knew the lyrics perfectly.' George said while laughing. 'It's okay, deepdown we are all kinda fangirling over Justin Bieber.' I said laughing. We continued to play this game for about an hour. It was very fun. I liked the boys, but I knew all of this was just temporarily, because our ways are going to seperate in Sydney. I've got their socials tho, so maybe we could meet again when were all back home in London.

I had no idea what time it was, because we were flying through different time zones. All I know is that I'm going to arrive at 22pm in London time, which is 8am in Sydney time. I started to calculate it in my head. I've watched 5 episodes of Stranger Things, which would be a total of 4 hours I think. We've played Truth or Dare for about one hour and I've slept a few hours. I think that was for about 7 hours. So that means we've been flying for about 12 hours. 8 to go. 'Milo, wanna continue to watch Stranger Things?' I asked. 'Sure, sounds good.' I gave Milo one of my earbuds and we finished season 1. 'I promise you, from now on it'll only get better.' Milo said. 'Sounds promising, wanna watch season 2 as well?' I replied 'Yeah.' Milo said. A few episodes later we were disrupted by a loud voice on the intercom. Within a few minutes the plane is going to land in Sydney, Australia. I hope everyone had a pleasant flight and I wish everyone a good time in Sydney. Thank you for flying with us. Everyone in the plane started to clap. The time flew by, I had no idea we were going to land any soon. I was very excited to meet my host family and kind of build up a new life over here.

The plane had landed and everyone was getting out. We had to wait for our luggage at the airport. A few minutes later everyone of us had all of their luggage. This was the time we had to say goodbye, for now. 'Thanks that I could sit with you guys. I really appreciate it. I had much fun and I hope we can meet again sometime when we're all back home in London.' I said smiling. 'We also really liked your company Rose! And of course we can meet once we're back in London! Have fun and enjoy your time here in Sydney!' The boys said in response. 'Thank you, you too!' We gave each other a hug before separating our ways. My host family must be waiting somewhere on the airport. I started walking towards the arrival hall.

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