Ch. 14

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Hunter looked back down at him ''I would like to use it on you though'' he said ''If you are ok with it, I want you to wear it.''

Skylar wasn't sure what to do or say at first. Reaching back, he gently removed Hunter's fingers out then moved to sit up and looked at Hunter ''What else did you do'' he asked, taking the plug from him.

Hunter sighed as he moved to sit on the bed as well ''A lot of things'' he said softly ''I tied her up, used all kinds of toys on her. Sometimes there would be no sex, but we both did get off. Really thinking back, we didn't do a lot. She wasn't ok with a lot of things.''

''Such as '' Skylar asked.

''Choking, spanking, whipping, having a vibrator left in, while out in public'' he went on and on as Skylar listened.

''Well, I don't know anything about Master sub relationships'' he said handing the plug back to him ''But I can learn. I'll be ok with trying anything.''

Hunter took the plug back as he watched Skylar move back to the same position he was in. Smiling, Hunter climbed off the bed and stood behind him rubbing his thumb over his hole once more. Skylar bit his lip and closed his eyes as he held onto the bed tightly. Hunter gently held onto Skylar's hip as he placed the tip of the plug against his hole. Gently, Hunter started to push the plug in while he watched Skylar to make sure he wasn't hurting him. The more Hunter pushed it in, the more Skylar started to moan.

Once it was all the way in, Hunter leaned down and placed a kiss against his right cheek then moved and did the same to the left. Reaching out, he wrapped an arm around Skylar's waist and pulled him to sit up on his knees, then helped him pull both his underwear and pants back up.

''How does it feel'' he asked looked at him.

Skylar turned his head to look back and smiled ''It's weird'' he said ''But at the same time, it feels good.''

Hunter smiled back as he placed his hand on his ass ''I'm glad to hear that'' he said as he gently tapped the end of the plug.

Skylar shivered and gasped ''Wh...What was that?''

''The plug'' he said as he picked him up and set him on the floor looking him over ''I want you to wear the skirt today.''

''The skirt'' Skylar repeated as he looked over at it lying on the floor near his bag.

Nodding, he walked over to it. Just as he bent over, Hunter once again tapped on the plug. Skylar let out a soft moan. He blushed hard as he picked up both the skirt and stockings. After he changed into them, he went through his clothes to find a shirt that matched. Once Hunter was done changing as well, they headed out of the room. They were met by Tristan, who was standing next to the front door looking at his phone.

''Is Mylo with my parents'' Skylar asked, walking over to him.

Tristan looked up and nodded ''Yes and Nik is with them as well.''

''Good'' Skylar said crossing his arms ''Then we can go meet up with them.''

Hunter looked at him and frowned his brows ''Where did you send them?''

Skylar turned and smiled ''To get something to eat'' he said ''Then he is going to stay the night with them.'' He looked down at his phone ''Shit, we need to go'' he said as he looked at them both ''They are expecting us.''

''Why did you send him to your parents'' Hunter asked, confused as he followed Skylar out to the car.

Skylar stopped at the car and sighed ''I sent him there so we could have a night to ourselves'' he said looking back at him ''Was I wrong? We can bring him home after dinner.''

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