Ch. 18

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After they got cleaned up, they crawled back into bed and cuddled till they both fell back to sleep. To Skylar, this was everything he had always wanted. A family, friends, and a job he enjoyed. Skylar couldn't have been happier at this moment in time. As Skylar woke up a couple hours later, he looked around for Hunter, but when he didn't see him he figured he was just somewhere in the house talking with Tristan and Nik. That was till he heard yelling and someone crying. Skylar looked over towards the bedroom door that was half open. The more he listened the more the cries sounded like both his mother and Mylo. But the yelling he heard is what made him jump out of the bed and run to the window that faced the driveway.

''Son of a bitch'' he cursed as he looked out and saw his worst nightmare.

Ryan was standing there with one hand on Mylo and a gun in the other. Skylar's mother and father were standing to one side as Hunter, Tristan and Nik stood near the front door. Skylar was pissed to the point if he had a gun he would shoot Ryan himself. Knowing he had no other choice, Skylar calmly walked to the closet and grabbed one of Hunter's button up shirts and put it on along with a pair of his own shorts. He then grabbed his bag and pulled a few pieces of paper out that he had wished he never had to use. Sitting his bag in the middle of the closet, he placed a piece of paper on top of it with Nik's name. Walking out of the closet, he walked to the bed and placed one down with Hunter's name on it.

After putting on a pair of black sneakers, Skylar slowly walked to the door and looked back into the bedroom for what seemed like the last time. Closing the door behind him, Skylar slowly made his way down the hall only to stop just behind Hunter and the boys.

''I swear to god'' Ryan shouted ''Give me Skylar or else I will hurt him.''

''That's enough Ryan'' Skylar said as he pushed between Hunter and Nik.

Hunter reached out to grab Skylar, but Skylar just pulled away as he walked towards them. Now standing between everyone, Skylar looked dead at Ryan showing him no fear.

Once again Skylar spoke ''Let him go'' he said ''Let him go and I will go with you.''

''Swear it'' Ryan said, keeping the gun on Mylo.

Skylar nodded ''I swear, but you have to left Mylo go and allow me to say goodbye to him.''

Ryan stood there a moment quiet then nodded ''Fine.''

The moment Ryan let Mylo go, Skylar knelt down and held out his arms to Mylo who ran over to him crying. Skylar rocked him a bit trying to sooth him. He then pulled back from him and gave him a soft smile.

''Mylo'' he whispered ''I need you to do something for me.''

Mylo nodded ''Ok Daddy.''

Skylar took a deep breath and pulled a couple of pieces of paper out and handed it to him ''One of these are for you'' he said looking at him ''The other one is for Mai. You must be the one to give it to her. No one else. Just you. Do you understand?''

Mylo took the papers and nodded ''I understand Daddy'' he said ''Only I can give it to Mai.''

''That's right'' Skylar said, pulling him into a tight hug ''You're my good boy. I know you can do this.'' He pulled away again and stood up ''Now go to your father.''

Mylo took off running towards Hunter who quickly picked him up. Skylar let out a sigh and turned back to Nik ''Nik, go to the closet and pack my bag that Mylo got me'' he said.

Nik didn't move at first then nodded. As they waited, Skylar had turned back to look at Ryan who still held the gun that was now pointing at him. After a few minutes, Nik came running out and stopped next to him.

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