Ch. 6

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Four Months Later

It had been seven months since Skylar left Ryan and went back home and it had been four months since the night he snuck out of Hunter's place never to look back. He quit his job at the coffee shop, he packed his things from his parents house and moved about three hours away. He changed his number as well. The only people who knew the number were his parents, Tristan and Nik and even Luca. But everyone was told not to tell Hunter a single thing about him. Skylar's mother would tell him that Hunter would call every day asking about him.

Nik and Tristan would tell him how Mylo would cry about how much he missed Daddy Skylar and that broke his heart more than anything. There were days Skylar would sit in his room and cry cause he missed the both of them. When he had moved, he didn't know what he was going to do. It took about two weeks before he was able to find a job at a bar just a block away from his place. The apartment he was renting was not that bad. It was a loft floor and he loved it.

Skylar's father had called him a month after he left and told him that Ryan had stopped by looking for him. But as expected, his father bitched him out and told him nothing. Tristan and Nik had been giving a photo of him and they said that now and then they would see him around town. He had even gone by Hunter's office, but never once made it past the front desk. They had even seen him outside of Mylo's school, which set Skylar off when he heard that, but when a little girl saw him she started to scream and he took off.

Skylar was pacing around his loft as he thought about what he could do. He had moved in hope it would draw Ryan away from them, but from what he heard, Ryan wasn't stopping and there was only one thing left to do. Skylar walked over to his phone and started to dial a number.

There were a couple of dial tones then someone answered ''Hello'' a voice said from the other end.

''Ryan'' Skylar said softly.

''Sky'' Ryan said with almost excitement in his voice ''Sky where are you? I'm in town. I want to see you. Also I saw your photo with that guy.''

Skylar swallowed hard ''Ryan stop'' he said ''I'm not in town anymore, I'm in a different city about three hours away. As for that guy, they are none of your business. I know you have been following them. Just leave them alone.''

He could hear Ryan laughing ''Sky, baby, none of this would happen if you wouldn't have left.''

''I left because of an asshole like you'' Skylar shouted ''If you would not have treated me the way you did, I wouldn't have left. This is your fault not mine.''

''I know'' Ryan said with a sigh ''Look, since you have left nothing has been right. Let's just meet and talk this out. Baby, I still love you and I am willing to do anything you want. We can even have a family. That's something you have always wanted right. We can have as many kids as you want.''

Skylar walked over to the couch and sat down. The things he was saying were things he had been waiting for him to hear. He wanted to cry so much, but he also knew deep down what he was saying was lies. He wasn't going to let Ryan get to him like he did in the past. Now was the time for him to stand up for himself.

''Sure'' he said leaning back as he crossed his arms ''We can meet. There is a coffee shop in town I used to work at. Go wait for me there. I'll be there in a few hours.''

''Thanks Baby'' Ryan said with so much happiness in his voice ''See you soon.''

Once they hung up, Skylar went and took a shower, then he went to his closet and pulled out something he knew Ryan would truly hate. The clothes he picked showed his body off well. He had on a pair of white shorts with black ribbon laced down the sides and tied into a bow at the bottom. He had on a plan black kitty crop top hoodie that had ears on the hood. He wore black thigh high stockings that looked laced up in the back and ribbons at the top of them. He wore his calf high all black converse shoes. Shoving his phone and wallet into his back pockets, he grabbed up his keys and headed out the door.

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