10 - Capricornus

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Surprise? 555. I forced myself to finish this chapter as fast as I can because there were many reasons to give you guys a present. First it's my birthday last December 24 🎂🎁🎉🎊, then Christmas happened 🎄, New Year is coming 🎉🍾., and most importantly it's Charlotte 🐶 and Bright's ☀ birthday yesterday 🎂.

PS Well, don't get used to it 555. This is just for one time [though it's part of my New Year's solution to update more frequently].

The name of this chapter is already a giveaway on who will be the focus of this update. Due to insistent public demand, it's now Bright's turn to shine. Let's all send our birthday wishes to him. He's one of the reason why we are still sane after all 555. I hope he'll do better next year especially in terms of his health.

Anyway I want to set everyone's expectations that from now on, every chapters will be shorter but on the other hand, the updates will be more frequent [crossed fingers 🤞]. The plot also demands for it so...

Good news is everything's all set and I just need to add elaborate details to finish the upcoming chapters. In case you're wondering, this story has a total of 13 chapters + an epilogue so excluding this chapter, there are 4 more for chapters to go 😭.

I will also be releasing announcements about my future fics sooner so just in case that you want to be updated, I suggest for you to subscribe/follow me 😉.

Now we're officially on our 10K+ mark reads with a total of 800+ votes.

It's all thanks to your kudos/votes and your wonderful comments so please keep 'em from coming because it serves my inspiration to update 💙💙💙

My thoughts abound the last chapter:
So Win, how many flashbacks do you want? 555

There are also some readers that were confused on the last chapter in one of the flashbacks where Tine dreamed of Sarawat leaving him for another guy that looked exactly like him. The confusion might be coming from the fact that Sarawat said "I love you Win".

It's not a typo. That flashback is Tine's dream as was shown at the latter part when Green woke him up. Let's just say that it was like a prophetic dream to Tine of what's coming.

*** WIN ***

WIN was kind of irritated with his overdemanding manager. She promised him that the Idolo commercial would be his last appointment for the week but he was just informed by his personal driver that they would be meeting an important client for a product endorsement that night.

As usual, he wasn't surprised when his outfit was already prepared by his meticulous manager. He smiled uncertainly at his own reflection upon checking how he looked. He made sure that he would look perfect or else his manager would kill her. He was thankful that he's wearing a turtleneck sweater to cover the fading bitemark on his neck courtesy of the perverted guitarist. He was ready to leave when he realized that his phone was missing. He tried to look for it but he would be late on his appointment so he decided to search for it later.

He was leaving when Charlotte blocked his way. The cute Chihuahua began to bark in order to get his attention. He smiled fondly at his daughter and picked her up to carry her. Like usual, the sweet creature didn't fail to make him feel better.

"Are you ready?" Kim asked him.

Win just nodded and kissed Charlotte before putting her down. She was using her puppy eyes in full force as begging him to bring her with him. He just chuckled at his daughter's cute behavior. "We will be meeting with Manager Napongtra today. Would you like to see her?"

Charlotte snarled and barked angrily before she ran away. Win and Kim just laughed at the Chihuahua's reaction upon hearing his manager's name. The mere mention of the woman's name sent the dog into a frenzy.

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